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X2 Cherry ripe mate!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Lookin good man. Now need a suspension or b/l to have some room to flex and stuff the tires :D

I havent done much with the Beast lately, but as most of you already know I did go and pickup a playmate for her . With this one I will be able to take my time and build up the Beast right, not rushing



Will be starting new thread for it later, Bro and I are going out to city lake and give her a test run.:D:D:D

Very bloody nice mate, very bloody nice!!!

nice 86 bronco u got my gf brother dad had an 86 bronco xlt with a 4 inch lift kit on it and it had 35s on it too and a 1500 watt system in it.

it was grey with the same color interior the red color and he sold it last week for 900 bucks. it was a real nice bronco too just the driver side window needed a new motor for it and needed a new horn and the dome light needed new bulbs in it

i wish i bought the 86 bronco xlt it would be a good ride

nice 86 bronco u got my gf brother dad had an 86 bronco xlt with a 4 inch lift kit on it and it had 35s on it too and a 1500 watt system in it.

it was grey with the same color interior the red color and he sold it last week for 900 bucks. it was a real nice bronco too just the driver side window needed a new motor for it and needed a new horn and the dome light needed new bulbs in it

i wish i bought the 86 bronco xlt it would be a good ride

Thanks Sam, I do like my Beast, now I can build her up slow and do it right. will be lifting now. I have a b/l for it,will now get a sup. lift also.
And yes you should have bought the one when had the chance:) . Ol well we cant get it right everytime can we. :D
