Eddie Bauer Gold touch up paint | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eddie Bauer Gold touch up paint


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
Does anyone know if Ford or any aftermarket supplier makes the EB gold paint in touch up form? My front bumper and the edge of 2 of my fender flares have been through a war and I'd like to touch them up instead of spending hundreds of dollars replacing them.

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the color is called Harvest Gold. i got it Advance Auto Parts. Duplicolor.

So does that mean that the earlier EB have a different colors? The paint code on mine is Light Saddle, not trying to confuse, but to clarify.

So does that mean that the earlier EB have a different colors? The paint code on mine is Light Saddle, not trying to confuse, but to clarify.

Looks like BFM0346 Duplicolor might be the right color.
