Elite Explorer Stimulus Package!! 4 years for price of 2 + goodies!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer Stimulus Package!! 4 years for price of 2 + goodies!!

well this'll run me into 2014.... :D

Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
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:bounce: sending soon:bounce:

What a deal. $10 bucks a year for 4 years.
You get more info than an "All Data" subscription that costs $30 a year.

Thanks Rick. :thumbsup:

No setup or initiation fee here. It's a flat $40.:chug:

Well this will ruin my chances of going an entire decade on the site without being elite, but it's a pretty good deal and I wanted to tweak some things anyway...

Just curious, is this just a deal for the heck of it, or was there a need for an influx of capital due to hardware needs or lack of advertising income or something?

Just curious, is this just a deal for the heck of it, or was there a need for an influx of capital due to hardware needs or lack of advertising income or something?

I run "specials" a couple times a year as an incentive to bring in more Elite members. I asked the moderators for a theme for this special and this is what we came up with.:thumbsup:

Special thanks need to go out to Jon and Ben for supplying the license plate frames and stickers:salute:

good deal, great site!
payment sent!:thumbsup:

PayMent Sent

Yes, it will add 4 more years to your existing subscription. Actually I will do that manually at the end of each day.:biggthump

Payment Just Sent:thumbsup:
This Site Has Helped SOOO Much over the short time ive been a member.
Love to help the site keep going.

Also want to verify that as quoted, the subscription will be added to the end of my previous subscription?

Also want to verify that as quoted, the subscription will be added to the end of my previous subscription?

Yes that's correct. I have been adjusting the subscription periods the morning after payment is sent. That way I can do a whole batch at once.:thumbsup:

Payment has been sent, glad to join the Elite Group.

Payment sent 11:00 AM

Why has this software got a quirk that if you are a mod and you renew your account it puts you back to red?

Why has this software got a quirk that if you are a mod and you renew your account it puts you back to red?

To keep me on my toes;)


Goodbye money, Hello Awesome Swag! (+4 years of Elitenitude) Payment sent!

Well jeez- I'm glad I watched the video. I'd have felt like a tool if I hadn't bumped for 4 years, the deal expired, and then saw my name was first in the video! :D

Thanks Rick- appreciate all of your and the other mods work around here- not staying/going elite with all of the money that this site saves everyone here should be borderline criminal... :thumbsup:

Keep em rolling in guys. You likely have saved hundreds, if not thousands - of dollars from the knowledge on this site. It's like 2-3 cents a day. Don't be cheap. :D

Keep em rolling in guys. You likely have saved hundreds, if not thousands - of dollars from the knowledge on this site. It's like 2-3 cents a day. Don't be cheap. :D


Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
Elite Explorer members see no advertisements, no banner ads, no double underlined links,.
Add an avatar, upload photo attachments, and more!

Payment sent!!!
