Evans creek Aug 23-26 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Evans creek Aug 23-26


Elite Explorer
April 15, 2002
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1985 BroncoII
I will be camping up at Evans creek that weekend if anyone wants to come up for a day over longer, the 4WD club I am in is hosting the campgrounds that weekend.
If you need dirctions let me know, there is easy to hard trails

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I might be able to come up the 25th. I live rather close in Bonney Lake. If I run on the trail it would have to be an "easy" one, lol

I don't remember any 'easy' trails at Evans Creek, except maybe to road to the campground:D

I don't remember any 'easy' trails at Evans Creek, except maybe to road to the campground:D

Actaully I found one, it is not much traveled and I only went on it for the first time last time I was up there, it is pretty short though.

I may end up having to work one of the days I was planning on camping so my plans may change:thumbdwn:

i want to go, but alas its the only weekend i have the chance to throw a kegger and pool tournament for quite some time...

Maybe next year??
Sometime in October I am thinking of heading up to Walker valley

I'd like to go; but my junk won't be ready by then. Plus I'll be at my parents place picking up my new toy.

I might be able to come up the 25th. I live rather close in Bonney Lake. If I run on the trail it would have to be an "easy" one, lol

I should have a open seat, I plan on running about 2 hours of trail in the morning coming back to camp for awhile them 2 more hours in the afternoon followed by a few hours back in camp them a couple more hours on the trail
This is my end of summer vacation so I am going to take it easy.

There is one trail that a stock rig should be fine on but because there is law enforcment up there you (have to be street legal on the forest service roads), to get to the easy trail I have to go through the more difficult trails to get there.

Would you like instructions on how to get to Evans creek?

you guys missed a nice roll:D
more pics and video to come

Dammit! I always log in AFTER an event. WTF lol :rolleyes:
