Exhaust Opinions/Suggestions Needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust Opinions/Suggestions Needed


New Member
May 5, 2016
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City, State
Rifle, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer AWD V8
1997 Limited 5.0 AWD

The previous owner was pretty awesome and removed all the cats (sarcasm.... :) ).

This Explorer is mainly going to be a winter driver for the fiance. Currently, it is straight piped in place of where the cats used to be, but has leaks so it is incredibly loud. The o2's were also cut off (well, all except one, and that one is damaged). I guess my question, or what I'm seeking is opinions on how to fix it. I do not have emissions inspections where I live, but have to do something with it sense it burns through fuel and the fumes come in the cabin.

Should I just replace the straight pipe and replace all o2's? Replace the front two cats, or would that not be beneficial in this case? I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on this, but can get the front two cat assemblies for ~$300, which isn't too bad. Thanks in advance :)

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Is your fuel burning problem due to a constant check engine light due to the removed O2 sensors? If so I would try to get the front pipes from a junked car. The cats are not as big a problem however it will be difficult to install the two rear O2 sensors without the cats being there. If you can find the whole front pipe and cat assembly used I would do this. Make sure they include the O2 sensors with the full harness plug to save you a few more $'s. Solves your fuel burn problem and your noise problem.

If you need the rear stuff (muffler and tail pipe) you should check out Walker on line. I got a replacement muffler and tailpipe for reasonable prices.

Definitely replace the front O2 sensors - they are critical to efficient engine operation. The rear O2 sensors are just used to monitor catalytic converter efficiency; if you don't have emission inspection (or cats) they are not critical. Good luck.

You will also need the front cats for the front o2 sensors to perform correctly. The rear o2 sensors can be turned off with a PCM tuning device. If there is a displayed code at all, you will not achieve ultimate fuel economy, so all repairs will pay for themselves if you do keep the vehicle.

You will also need the front cats for the front o2 sensors to perform correctly. The rear o2 sensors can be turned off with a PCM tuning device. If there is a displayed code at all, you will not achieve ultimate fuel economy, so all repairs will pay for themselves if you do keep the vehicle.

That's what I'm thinking of doing. I have an SCT device that I can do this with. Unfortunately I forgot to pull the tune off my last car so it's locked, whoops... But you are correct that the repairs will pay for themselves since I would be saving a ton in gas. I pretty much watch the needle drop when I'm driving it around town currently
