Exhaust pipe STUCK! What a PITA! Need help please... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust pipe STUCK! What a PITA! Need help please...


Well-Known Member
January 5, 2011
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City, State
Las Vegas, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 E.Bauer 4.0(RWD)
I need to remove the exhaust pipe that is connected to the muffler. One of the pipes had a flange with two bolts on it that came apart super easy. HOWEVER, the other pipe has this stupid u bolt design and they clamped it down so tight it crimped the exhaust pipe and for the life of me I can not get it to separate.

Ive tried heat, pb blaster and banging on it with a sledge. Its like a loose tooth but i just cant get it out no matter what i try. I also have the pipe thats connected to the exhaust manifold disconnected and the driver side is off as well.

I dont know what else to do to get this damn thing out. This truck is about to end up off a cliff real soon. Who thought those stupid u bolt designs were a good idea?? Why couldnt they just add another flange like the other pipe. I swear this entire SOHC 4.0 is a nightmare to work on.

Anyways maybe some of you have had this issue before and were able to release it?? Looking for ideas...

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You probably aren't going to get them apart without doing some damage to the end of the pipe. I assume you're talking about the front end of the muffler? I've used a Dremel with a cut-off wheel to make a few shallow slices thru the outer flange to allow you to get a blade between the two overlapping pipe ends and separate them enough to get some PB Blaster in there to finish the job. Downside is you'll still have a damaged pipe end on the muffler pipe that will need to be sealed if you plan on reusing it. Not so easy as to just replace the muffler as you'll then be faced with the same scenario trying to detach the resonator from the muffler at the back end.

Yes the front side just after the cat on the passenger side pipe. Driver side had a flange that was held on by two bolts and released just fine. Ive thought about grinding some relief cuts. I also thought about pounding some thin metal in there but not sure if that would even work. Sounds like its just not gonna come off without some type of damage done. Just pitiful...

Is there enough straight pipe out of the forward end of the muffler to allow you to cut the flared end off to free it from the exhaust pipe...then, reconnect everything using a pipe coupler/adapter? Back in the day when all exhaust systems were secured with U-clamps, we improvised when necessary by using various assortments of pipe & couplers/adapters...and, more U-clamps. Auto parts stores carry very little of this anymore...so, you may have to take some measurements and buy them online.

that crimped fitting will not come apart, ever. Once the clamp was tightened the two pieces were crimped together and will never pull apart. Been there done that. Stupidest design ever right? I mean they made one side bolt together and the other side crimped??????
I just cut that section out and replace it with a new piece of straight pipe... I weld it together but you can use clamps and adapters if you are able to leave enough "meat" in front of the muffler to clamp to

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I ended up cutting the darn thing in half. I got a dremel in there and ground through the line where it was crimped but i still couldnt get it to release even tried to pry a screwdriver in there but just couldnt get a grip. Exhaust pipe it stouter than I thought. Now I need to figure out what type of coupler/adapter to use.

Cut and splice is the way to go. Your local auto parts store should have plenty of couplers and adapters. They are pretty inexpensive. If you cannot bring the part in to match up, measure and buy a few that look like they will fit. You can always return the ones you do not use. I swapped out my 95 Explorer Sport exhaust with a 3" straight thru set up and used a stainless band clamp to join. It actually makes it easier to swap out side vs. rear exhaust when I need to pass inspection. They make those as adapters as well and have quite a bit of length to join cut pieces.

Sounds like a plan. If I have leaks because the pipe isnt exactly perfectly smooth can i add an exhaust type sealant? Just thinking ahead here.

Remember that band clamp and pipe you cut off to begin with?
Those clamps work pretty well.
You will not have leaks!

Ahh okay so just find the correct size sleeve and clamp it. Sounds good to me!

I used Torca TorcTite band clamps with my Gibson catback, shown below. I should have used a lap-joint band clamp on this joint, but the regular one worked fine. Band clamps come in a version that will join two ends of same diameter pipe, "butt-joint band clamp".


Thanks for the idea. Since my muffler stub pipe slides inside the exhaust pipe ill need a stepped coupler and it looks like youve used one as well. Ill look around for those.

Mine was just a regular band clamp, but once tightened, it conformed fine.

First time I ever did it, I used a cut-off wheel to surgically cut the muffler pipe lengthwise, peel it open, then smacked the muffler off with a sledge. It sucked.

Second Explorer I had an IR air hammer. Used the sheet metal/pipe cutting attachment and made that same cut in two seconds. A thwack with a mallet and off it came. Having the right tools helps.

When you use exhaust clamps, you don’t need much torque at all to achieve sufficient clamping force. If you’re visibly deforming/dimpling the pipe, you’re wrong. Why they did that at the factory, god only knows.
