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Explorer Alignment


Well-Known Member
April 26, 2000
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Corpus Christi, Tx
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'93 Sport
I just switched to 31x10.50's from the stock 235/75's and all I needed were shims to adjust for the larger tires. I haven't heard of anyone needing new bushings, the only time I've heard of replacing them is when you put a lift on. My allignment with the shims cost me $90 so you shouldn't have to pay anymore than that. Just my experience, good luck


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I need to get my 91 Ford Explorer aligned because I just purchaesed new tires. I called several shops and they all told me that they would probaly have to replace some bushings on each side because the Explorer doesn't give you alot of room to adjust the alignment. The extra price range for this from the varying shops was between 15-60 per side. Whats the deal with that? That would make an alignment cost like $150.00. Does anybody else have this expeirence or know anything about these bushings?
Thanks, Mike

i was just wondering what the deal was with these bushings and shims you guys were talking about above?...i just got a set of 31x10.50 bfg at's....so should i have gotten some of these?...i have a '99 sport...what do these shims and bushings do for the tire?.....

I really don't think you need special shims or anything if you're just changing the tire size. If you're changing the suspension yes, but tires.. no.


Hey Ford5_0, I just put on some BFG/At's the other day. While riding on the highway I wanted to see how much my speedo was off. It's off by 5 mph. I also noticed that my trip odometer is off by 1/10 of a mile. Did you notice this also? If not, I suggest that you take a look. There were some post I read before on adjusting the speedo via computer, but I have to look for it. If you find it, let me know. Also, if you bottom out, does the tires rub the fender well at the top? I noticed mine does so I will have to do some mods soon.

i havent checked how much my speedo is off, or how much my trip comp. was off.....i suppose it would be wise to do so......i also havent had a chance to test weather my tires rub the top of the wells..i suppose i could find a good set of train tracks to test it on:).......i should go on the trail and find out...also, how did you find out how much your speedo was off by?....somehting to do with speed vs. mileage and how long it takes to get there?....i dunno...?

I tried 2 methods. The first was using a watch that has a tachymeter on it. I set my cruise on 70 mph and timed it for 1 mile. When I hit one mile, it read btwn 74 and 75. The second, I had a buddy following behind me, and Via CB, I asked him how fast he was going. his reply was 75 mph. I was reading 70mph. Keep an eye on your trip odometer. See if your regular odometer turns 1 mile when your trip od says .8-9, or when it hits 0

i.e. Normal w/Stock tires

Trip Odmtr 99.8 99.9 100.0
Odmtr 29999 29999 30000

31x10.5x15 tires

Trip Odmtr 99.8 99.9 100.0
Odmtr 29999 30000 30000

Hope This helps out a litte. If you have a 96+ explorer, Speedo is electronic, therfore you would have to take it to the dealer to be reprogramed w/ new tire size, or you can drive 5 mph slower to really travel the speed you want. :)

I also have a 91 explorer. I have wanted an alingment and the guy at one shop (was the only one that sounded like he knew what he was talking about) said something about changing the bushings at an extra cost of 50 bucks per side if it needed it. My suspension is still stock and tires are still stock size. Getting bigger tires may have a worse effect on this becuase they will have a larger circumfrence right? Therefore, your suspension would be a little different right?

Let it Ride...


You will not have an alignment problem just because you go to bigger tires, because you are not changing anything on the suspension. On the 95+ Explorers some people have to get an alignment because they tweeked the torsion bars. That will sometimes change the alignment. When I tweeked my torsion bars, I took it to a shop and had the alignment checked out, but didn't have to have a alignment. The circumference of the tire won't change alignment, it just picks up your truck alittle higher. :)


What I meant as far as alignment and the bigger tires was just the toe-in or toe-out adjustments. Wouldnt haveing bigger tires affect this a little?
