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Photos explorer sport pics

I really dont like lowered sports that much, but this may have just changed my mind.:thumbsup:

I have to agree. The tire size is just right. Oh, and that boat is sweet. Specs on that?

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my new sport

pics from the ad I saw it in...




As of now I have only lowered the front, one TT turn ccw. and removed the roof rack cross bars and the running I plan to lower it today actually.



Looks like mine when i got it a couple years ago... this is it now..


yet another update with a pic i took in sept, and my latest "little" mod :D




explorer express 5L m90 xcharger with supporting mods.


Do you know if they make a set up to use the early super coupe m90? I have 2 of them laying around one is going to be for my ranger with the 3.8 under it, the other I just have as a spare but now you got me thinking...

Now if they just made that supercharger kit to use the Magnum Powers MPX-S blower. I have super coupe eaton m90s laying around too. I would love to put one on my 5.0 sport. But any ways the kit that vroomzoomboom has is no longer made. At lest that is the info I have found.


Do you know if they make a set up to use the early super coupe m90? I have 2 of them laying around one is going to be for my ranger with the 3.8 under it, the other I just have as a spare but now you got me thinking...

now this depends on what motor you have. if you have a SOHC, rpcaster makes a kit that uses the m90 off a thunderchicken. i know of one member on here (Dono, who happens to live 15 mins from me as well) who has a OHV from the same company, but i am not sure if he has the one and only kit they made, or if they are making them. as for 5L, thats when things become tricky. when i bought this kit off a fellow forum member, it wasnt a complete kit (he sold it to me that way). it needed some brackets and most of the bolts. when i contacted explorer express, dave told me they have enough brackets to complete 5 more if i am not wrong, but stopped selling a complete kit because eaton no longer made a new m90 supercharger. you might be able to see if eaton has a shorter snout (thats the major difference), and mate it to a thunderbird m90, but dont get your hopes up. i majorly lucked out finding this. i missed out on 3 other supercharger kits before i nabbed this one.

1/2 mile blast before I let off
not shabby for a 244" V6 in a 4200lb pig
Oil needle is actually wrapped all the way around,why I have no idea..

Dont you hate it when some dork in a United jet blocks you off in the parking lot????

Bring it!!!!

In case your wondering, I did a show at the airport today and got to drive on the active tarmac,,cool ****!!!

Some 'Minor' Playing around!





Picked this 99 Sport up a couple weeks ago. 123k, 5speed, 4x4, 4.0 OHV, pretty excited to fix it up. i just popped a new battery in, did rear rotors, pads and ebrake shoes. i currently have the dreaded p0171 p0174 code, so gonna replace the intake mani gasket and do shocks. thats it. hoping she last a while. she is a lot of fun to drive!


Picked this 99 Sport up a couple weeks ago. 123k, 5speed, 4x4, 4.0 OHV, pretty excited to fix it up. i just popped a new battery in, did rear rotors, pads and ebrake shoes. i currently have the dreaded p0171 p0174 code, so gonna replace the intake mani gasket and do shocks. thats it. hoping she last a while. she is a lot of fun to drive!


brother had one that looked just like this. I miss that truck

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Heres how mine sits as of now on 265/75/16 bfg all terrain with aal and tt. Next mod is going to be a new front bumper that i'm currently in the works on and maybe some sliders in the next couple months. Its got 96k on it and still running strong on all the stock parts.
