explorer turned truck? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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explorer turned truck?


February 20, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Hartford, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 2wd explorer XL
So i have a 1994 explorer and it needs some work. i ran off a dirt road and the front fenders, and bumper need to be replaced as well as the rear doors and its rather dented up in the back. plus the interior in the back is all tore up.. not the seats them selfs but the carpet on the back of the seats. id be interested in cutting it off behind the front doors and turning it into a truck. has anyone ever done such a thing

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You could maybe do a sport-trac thing? I didn't even know those existed until I saw one on the street last week. I caught back up to it to see if it was factory.

You would seriously have to know wiring. There are looms up around the top of the hatch that do interesting things. Like, the way cruise doesn't work if the third stoplight is burned out? I like the idea though.

I'd want a body and frame guy to make sure that, one, what you have is still straight, and two, that any top removing can be done without endangering the structure. That's a strangely Freudian sentence, but you get my point. doh!

i was just going to trace all the wiring and like the wire that went to the top brake light just twist the pos and neg together to complete the circut.. this this is a beater..

i dont even know it it would leave the farm

You could just pull the harnesses back and coil them up somewhere, that would be pretty easy. There are drivetrain computers back there somewhere too. I really like the idea, I keep looking out the window at my 2 door. If I cut the back off, it would be a, well, a ranger, I guess.

I'd love a truck to get creative with. I'd gear it way down and push snow around all winter. Never drive over 20 mph, just unstoppable.

Have fun!

im thinking if i cut it right beind the rear of the front seats then cut the back hatch off i should be able to weld that together

Lots of guys do it, I'll do it too as soon as I have a bit of good weather and time on my hands. Most people cut off the roof and back pillar using the rear window as a guide. You can shorten the wiring going back there so you can put your third brake light above the back where you cut it off, and you can even weld your tailgate back there as a new rear of the cab, or use the back of a ranger cab. If you eliminate your third brake light (I don't recommend it) you can put a resistor or a light bulb at the end of the harness where the third brake light would have originally gone to and still have no problem with your ABS. A sizable resistor (25 ohms?) would be the best way to go so you don't have to worry about bulbs burning out that you may have hidden somewhere and wouldn't notice.

hmm.. im gathing ideas.. think ill go with a ranger cab back.. get the same body style so i can use the front clip as well. and build a custom flatbed..

how does one mount the body when the back half is cut completely off
