fenders | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I had just recently taken off my rocker panels, and today i was looking where the fender is attached to underneath where the panel was and there were 2 bolts...out of curiousity i tightened these bolts fully measuring before and after and found that i gained 1/2". just incase someone was wondering what they could do to not rub....i dont know...just felt like sharing

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what bolts did you tighten? can you take a picture?

sure man, ill go take a pic right now

sorry but i dont have my camera but ill have it tommorrow and post some pics. sorry about that, but its 2 bolts that attach the fender to under the rocker panel they are separate from the rest of the bolts youll see what i mean if you look at it.

I know which bolts you're talking about. So I'm assuming you moved the bottom of the fender up 1/2"? This would also bow it out a bit and give you a bit more room for tire. So you didn't actually gain 1/2", just got it back from the sag over time :)

aaahhh.. these guys:

I thought you were on crack there for a sec. :D


  • these.jpg
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yea but it does make you feel good inside to say you gained some clearance:)
