flashing overdrive light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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flashing overdrive light


New Member
February 25, 2007
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sloatsburg ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 xls
2000 explorer xls all wheel drive after driving a short time some times my overdrive light starts to flash. if i turn of the car the light goes out for a while . 142000 miles changed trans fluid and filter. trans does not slip even when light flashes. ha profesional code scanner hooked up with light flashing and no codes come up pulling hair out with this one

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When mine did that it was caused by a malfunctioning solinoid in the transmission. Disconect the battery/power to get rid of the code. On mine the code didn't come back after I flushed the fluid and changed the filter. Good luck.

It's also possible that the scanner could not read FORD proprietary codes.

it will definitely read the codes, and they were there, he just missed them. he should have done a KOER test.. basically key on car off, then shift through all gears.. tests all sorts of stuff..how long it took to shift into gear and if the gear ratio is correct or if its just a solenoid gone bad.. go back and get someone good to not just pull the codes but to test it and retrieve the codes.. thats what i did.. my o/d light had stopped flashing for a couple days and i pulled the codes while it was off... even if check engine light or a warning light turns itself off the computer in the vehicle still has the codes stored and the information about what happened during the fault

Not all scanners can read FORD proprietary codes.. even ones some folks might refer to as "professional". Without knowing what scanner he used, it is not possible to say with certainty that it can read proprietary codes.

yes, you are right about that.. btw i was using a genisis scanner

Be careful. I let mine blink like that on and off periodically for several months before I took it in to a tranny shop. They looked for codes. Nothing. Dropped the pan. Got a quote starting at $1000. Couldnt tell me a hard quote because they would have to drop the tranny and tear it apart to see what is all affected. I asked him a ballpark. He said expect to pay closer to $2000 for a total rebuild. I said, I will go buy a used one. And I did.

Some history on the ODB-II

Since 1996, all passenger vehicles sold in the United States have incorporated standard OBD-II capabilities. OBD-II (On-Board Diagnostics) is the second generation of diagnostic equipment designed to keep vehicle emissions as clean as possible. Almost every component in the vehicle that can affect emissions is monitored for correct functioning and operating parameters.

When a problem occurs, the ODB-II system stores a fault code in it's memory and usually triggers an indicator light on the dashboard. This MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light) tells the driver that the vehicle is not running effeciently and to have it services soon.

On 1999 and 2000 E46s, the MIL is labeled "Check Engine". From 2001 on, the MIL is labeled "Check Engine Soon".

When this fault code (also referred to as a DTC or Diagnostic Trouble Code) is triggered, other engine operating parameters are stored at the time such as RPM, Coolant Temperature, Throttle Position, Speed, etc. This give you an idea of what the engine was doing at the time of the fault.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) created a standard list of trouble codes to indicate various problems. They are 5 digits long and mostly start with the letter P (for Powertrain). Other letters are used for body, chassis, and so on, but they don't pertain to emissions.

The problem of your o/d light blinking without the "check engine" light being lit, indictates there was NO EMISSION related problem.
