Flowmaster Muffler's? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Flowmaster Muffler's?


Active Member
October 10, 2004
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City, State
Mohawk, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Limited 4x4
Hello I have a 1993 with the 4.0 and It has the stock exhaust system on it and I'm looking to add on a aftermarket muffler, and I'm going to be taking out the CC's and just adding a straight pipe and I was wondering from other people on the board if they have added just aftermarket mufflers and I was wondering how do this things sound with the muffler's on them, Just looking for people's opinion and what types of mufflers they are adding on to there explorers. Thank you

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Type in "Flowmaster" as a search term and you'll find 100s of discussions in the archives on the subject.

Well I've heard that they cause more restriction and exhaust sounds better if you take them out and I think one is starting to stink because I can smell it once in a while when I get on it, No Emissions up here so thats not a concern, I didn't even think about searching, My mistake.

Wanna buy my test pipe? Replacement for the cats. You get a deeper exhaust tone. With a Flowmaster 40 or Super 40 it'll sound badass.

XLimited said:
Well I've heard that they cause more restriction and exhaust sounds better if you take them out and I think one is starting to stink because I can smell it once in a while when I get on it, No Emissions up here so thats not a concern, I didn't even think about searching, My mistake.

You really won't gain anything by removing the cats.

Just because you do not have testing, you ( any everyone else )still have to breath the air....

Removing the convertors won't necessarily give you more power on a stock engine. The lack of back pressure can actually rob some power at lower rpm (on a stock engine, again). I'm glad that Aldive is concerned for our environment, as am I.

I'm also concern about are environment and I understand that they do help, but look around us I'm just a grain of sand compared to everthing else that destroys the enviroment. Anyone selling any muffler's that fit on 1st gen explorers? Aftermarket of course

i think i liked to sound of my 4.0 more then any other ive heard... i had the CCs then straight pipe out to the back.. no mufflers, i thought it sounded great

To say you won't gain anything is a fallacy, removing the cats is unethical to some.

Any aftermarket muffler will work. I'm partial to Flowmaster. You want a single-in single-out 2.25" muffler. You can get custom piping done at an exhaust shop or by the Force II kit from Summitracing.

huskyfan23 said:
To say you won't gain anything is a fallacy,

removing the cats is unethical to some.

How so? Do you have data to back that up?

Not only unethical but ILLEGAL as well.

Al is right on that one. Even if you do not have emissions testing, it is still illegal to run the vehicle without its cats.

snocross1985 said:
Al is right on that one. Even if you do not have emissions testing, it is still illegal to run the vehicle without its cats.

... and remember, we only have one atmosphere; every little bit ( of removing cats ) hurts. Even if you don't care about the air we breathe, think about your children and their children.

Hey, we're all doomed anyways. America, being the #1 pollutant, wouldn't sign the Kyoto Treaty, obviously Americans don't care about the atmosphere.

I don't have data to back it up, but my mileage did increase and I felt an increase in the higher-end. You don't provide dyno evidence with your findings, so why question mine?

I AM running a cat now. I wanted some low-end back and my loud exhaust has been getting on my nerves lately. If everyone is so concerned about cat removal then testing should be mandatory in ALL states. If you have to pass emissions you won't remove your cats. Simple as that.

huskyfan23 said:
Hey, we're all doomed anyways.

I don't have data to back it up, but my mileage did increase and I felt an increase in the higher-end. You don't provide dyno evidence with your findings, so why question mine?

Thats a wonderful attitude.

I have no need to post any dyno data for my gas mileage studies; I am not concerned with power.

Further, when you make claims like that, give us some data, eg, if your mileage went up, how much, etc or how much more power did you get ( dyno or track data ).

i got it guys for just 10 minutes give a tree a hug..... lol ,adlive i expect you to set the example

the attidue of im only one person so the law doesnt apply to me or it wont hurt is why all the legal offroad places are getting shut down.... and why the people who abide by the law are getting screwed becasue of the strict laws that they are following....

think of how many other idiots have this same idea

Congratulations jimabena, little girlls are Gods blessing to their daddys. Oh and by the way it is a federal offense the remove a CC and is punishable by prison time.

XLimited, a word of warning, mentioning cat removal on this site doesn't sit well with some ;)

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