Fluid change (Diffs and Transfer Case) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fluid change (Diffs and Transfer Case)


November 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Detroit, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer XLT 4wd
My local shop said he'd change the fluids for $150.
Not sure if I'd need all these done or not...or if this
is a good price for my 4wd Explorer?

I told him "I'd be back" but it seems like a lot for just
some fluids.

Any thoughts?

My local shop said he'd change the fluids for $150.
Not sure if I'd need all these done or not...or if this
is a good price for my 4wd Explorer?

I told him "I'd be back" but it seems like a lot for just
some fluids.

Any thoughts?

1. Differentials proly lack DRAIN plugs, so, to thoroughly drain, which gets rid of any "shavings", etc., the cover plate(s) must be removed & replaced; fill-plugs make re-filling pretty easy after the mess with the covers, and re-gasketing them. So, watch out for the shop that "sucks out" the fluid using access through the fill-plug hole, to avoid cover removal, leaving the various crap lying in the bottom, to churn up with the new fluid.

2. Most transfer cases have 2 plugs, drain & fill, making job pretty straight-forward.

$150 sounds like a pretty hefty price to pay for avoiding crawling underneath ones-self and performing the work. Materials (fluid) cost surely total under maybe 50 bucks......then, the issue of whether "Shop" uses specified fluids......being a "skeptic", I personally feel most comfortable doing this kind of work myself; mistakes made can then only be blamed on.... JMHO. imp
