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Solved Ford Explorer 5 speed conversion - Going Full Manual

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Can you post a picture of the new trans & t-case?

I think I got mixed up on which holes your referring to. The 95 tcase needs the VSS in it, and the rear axle will just be for the ABS.

Did you get the 95 Manual trans harness? I believe your going to need it for both the VSS & the ABS.

ya sure, ill grab the cam and go get some pics in a few mins. my explorer is a 99, having the vss sensor in the axle, i was thinking that since its in the axle i wouldnt have to worry about it, but i just realized if i swap wiring harnesses then the rear will still be used as abs sensor and i will need to use the vss in the t-case correct?

i got the ecm from a 4.0 ohv man trans explorer, of my year-99. what year engine and tranny harness will i need 95 or 99?

thanks! ill go get some pics:thumbsup:

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There maybe some splicing involved no matter what harnesses you use. I found on my swap, that the same year engine harness didn't match up to some of my components. I never used it, and spliced circuits till it worked. The 95 trans harness will have the VSS and the ABS sensor wires in it. Since you have the 99m ECM, you just have to make sure the wires mate to the correct pinout on the new ECM.

This is the hard part of the swap. It all depends on if you want everything to work normal or don't care if some things are off.

I wanted everything to work as if it was meant to be there. Some just do not care if that is the case. All up to you.

could i use a 99manual engine/trans harness. that way the vss would still be used as both abs and vss in rear axle, and wouldnt need to worry about the one in the new t-case?

splicing dont bother me, im good with electrical. as far as everything working the way it should... i would like it to. i already have my backup lights on a switch (added fog lights in the rear for aux backup lights.) so right now they come on when they should AND when ever i flip the switch - works good pulling a trailer, can use them as cargo/work lights!

4x4 lights if its easy to get them to work that would be good, if not i really dont care too much about that.

heres some pics!
you can see the threaded hole, where i belive the reverse sensor switch would go
the one at the rear of the tcase is still good! i looked at it wrong, the plug is still in the sensor so ill just remove the old part of the plug. same thing with the other short harness. they cut it after plug. so the truck side plug is in the harness still. pull it out and should be good to go. who ever pulled this tranny was using their heads! those sensors wont be all corroded since they left the plug inside it haha.

o do i need a floor pan for a 5speed? or does the auto just have a plate that covers an existing hole? ill have to cut the floor for the t-case shifter tho. the boots from a ranger will work wont they?



Okay cool. The 2nd pic Shows the hole for the reverse light sensor. The Blue oval 2 pin connector on the trans harness goes to it.

The 3rd pic, I believe that is the sensor for the 4x4 lights, and the 99 manual trans harness should have the connector for it. I am not 100% sure on that tho, maybe someone else can chime in and say yeah or nay.

You already have the hole in the floor, just have to either replace it with a manual plate, or cut a hole in the auto inspection plate. The ranger boot should be the same as the Ex boot. You could use a double shifter boot for it, (If you can find one) by using the man-man floor plate, & mounting spacer.

I really don't see a problem leaving the old gear driven VSS installed and unplugged. By using the 99m harnesses, and the 99m ECM, you should have no problems with using the rear axle sensor for both VSS & ABS.

I think your ready to go here :)

are the floor plates the same for rangers and explorer? or 1st gen and 2nd explorer. im going to try to find a manual/manual ranger and grab the shifter boots and floor plate. thanks again for the help

are the floor plates the same for rangers and explorer? or 1st gen and 2nd explorer. im going to try to find a manual/manual ranger and grab the shifter boots and floor plate. thanks again for the help

1st & 2nd gen Ex plates are the same. I am not a Ranger person, but I do think they will work all the same.

1st & 2nd gen Ex plates are the same. I am not a Ranger person, but I do think they will work all the same.

ill have to find a first gen with 2 stick setup i guess just to be safe
