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Ford Explorers at the SEMA Show


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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I love how the rims fill the wheel wells on the red one.. not a fan of black rims but that looks great

Not a fan of those little rubber wheels on the red Explorer.

The red one looks like a Chicago Fire Dept Chief's unit.


Not a fan of those little rubber wheels on the red Explorer.

Big aluminum wheels with tiny sidewall tires. Not a fan of the tires either. A little less rim with more sidewall for me.

I like the Red one.

Not a fan of those little rubber wheels on the red Explorer.

Big aluminum wheels with tiny sidewall tires. Not a fan of the tires either. A little less rim with more sidewall for me.

I agree. The red one with 21" maybe 22" rims would look better.

Ew. They are minivans lol

I like the tires and wheels on the Sport (white) version. If they were available with a silver colored outer ring in lieu of the yellow I'd get them if they'd fit my 2013 XLT. Anyone know if they are available?

I may have missed this, but has ford addressed the water pump issue in the new model?

The wife is actually talking about a new car and I was thinking Explorer.

Until @Dono brought up the water pump problem.

I totally forgot about that.

I think I’d feel better about driving the forest service roads in the white one. It is, after all, an Explorer... :D

I wish...i really like the body styling. Maybe someday I can get my hand on a good used PIU....

Thanks for sharing.

No offence to those who like the look but when are Ford and Range Rover going to stop stealing styling cues from each other. You could probably re-badge your new Explorer with Rover badges and no one would know.

That should be addressed with the 2020 model with the change to a longitudinal engine.


Back to the right way of building cars and trucks?

Yup, going back to RWD as it should've always been. I'm glad since my mom will probably buy one once her 2011 hits 300k miles (probably 2021).

As I said, this isn't the thread for water pump discussion. I'm sure there is plenty of that in the Stock 2011+ forum. I am deleting the water pump posts from this thread.

To make it easier... Here is a link to the Water Pump Thread:

IMHO, the red one looks like a pimp’s car and the white/yellow looks. Like a highway department vehicle. I like the look of the front end minus the grill. We know everything is plastic but it really looks plastic-like someone glued a bunch of black Ace Combs together.

Strange looking exhaust tips on the first one, I would like to have seen a better pic

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Are these proper trucks or more of those front drive based... things?
