Ford refuses to honor warranty | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford refuses to honor warranty


September 17, 2013
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer Limite
I am starting a new topic for the same issue because posting under the old one casts a negative light on a dealer who apologized and did everything he could to help. The old thread cane found here, please read it for the full history.

NOTE TO MOD: Please do not merge this thread, I do not want to keep referring to this as a dealer issue.

After waiting 5 weeks to get this issue resolved, it was finally time for my appointment.

The service manager who was initially problematic was incredibly nice (he even confirmed the parts were OEM and original to the vehicle) and did everything he could to help but Ford flatly refused to replace the part. Why?

Because the part is missing.

While I understand the rationale, the fact that this is a well reported issue on the 2013, the fact that I was on a BLOODY BRIDGE when this happened, and the fact that the top of the mirror was damaged when it flew off should of made it obvious I am not trying to get a damaged piece for free.

Link to the thread about issues with 2013:

Here is the letter I sent to Ford:

"Ms. ****,

In early september, My wife, ***** purchased a used 2013 Explorer Limited with 20,000 kilometres from ****. Ever since delivery, we are having a string of minor issues such as window chatter, torn seals, badly wearing seats (looks like Bi-Cast leather), an inside A-Pillar cover that is jammed under an exposed metal bracket, a turn signal that requires significant force to engage, etc.

The latest issue occurred on November 3rd, 2013 as I was crossing the ***** bridge on Autoroute 13, northbound. Without warning, the passenger side A-pillar cover flew off and into the river below. Upon inspection I determined that the panel had also scraped the top of the passenger side mirror, damaging the paint in the process.

While not impressed, I didn’t think much of it and stopped by ***** to show my CSR, **** what happened and discuss several other issues to schedule an appointment.

Unfortunately the service manager, ****, was in his office. **** waved me in and listened as I explained the issue. He decided to take matters into his own hands and followed me to the truck. First he condescendingly asked me where I bought the car and if it was used. I answered and asked why that mattered because it did not affect the warranty in any way.

He proceeded to inspect the missing trim and quickly informed me that the piece and windshield had been replaced with jobber parts, thereby voiding the warranty. He went on to say that even if that was not the case, he didn’t have the piece to send to Ford so I was SOL. I patiently explained that the part was in the river and he responded by offering to escort me to the parts department so I could buy for a new one.

As he left a mechanic came over to examine the windshield and bracket. He confirmed they were OEM and had not been changed. A second tech. who had come over to inspect parts also looked at the windshield and pointed out the Carlite OEM marking and serial number on the windshield, thereby confirming it was OEM original to the car.

The worst part is that this is a well known issue on the 2011 and 2012 models but has been reported on the 2013 as well:

Can you please expedite a solution for the cover, turn signal, and other minor issues? Do you need the TSBs for the A-Pillar cover and turn signal?

Thank you"

You may think I am crazy for suing but the disgusting way I was treated, waiting 6 weeks to get resolution, and the inane logic has infuriated me to a point beyond reason.

I HAVE NEVER had this kind of issue with a car company and the $125.00 is well worth it to take a stand against the way they mock people.

And if you read this Ford, you can forget about the Edge I had scheduled to test drive today, there will never be a Ford in this house again.


As an intermediate step I made a complaint to the better business bureau and this is the response Ford gave them:

The circumstances which outlined concerning Mr. Triffon's 2013 Ford Explorer have been given careful consideration.

Ford of Canada considers the satisfaction of its owners to be one of its most important objectives. We commit very substantial resources and effort in a sincere attempt to resolve the concerns of our owners. However, limits must be placed on those efforts. Although we regret not being able to meet Mr. Triffon's expectations, our review indicates that the prior decision is appropriate. Therefore, we are unable to be of assistance in this matter.

We are sorry that our response could not be more favourable to Mr. Triffon.

Thank you for contacting us.


Rachael Lynn Goeltz

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Take them to small claims court.

Lemon law Ford. Even better, make a video of it and post it on youtube. Show all the evidence to the public. A 2013 Explorer with all these problems which it shouldn't have. I had so many problems when I got my 2011. Ford did help. They did compensate me for my problems. When it just kept mounting up, I did a Lemon Law. I knew some good lawyers locally but I decided to go google lemon law instead. By law they are supposed to honor the warranty. They are not doing that. So what I would do is take pictures, evidence, you name it. Then take it to court. This is not an isolated issue as well and Ford shouldn't be treating you this way.

Don't give up....take them on! It's about time the little guy tells Ford enough is regards Plum

In Canada our Lemon Laws are very weak.

The automotive lobby manipulated the Federal Government to not legislate strong Lemon Laws like the US.

Its called CAMVAP, Federal Government & Better Business Bureau combined s one resolution Agency.

Somewhat effective, it worked for me.

Worth a try.

Man that's awful. In my opinion, their argument is faulty and you should get on the phone and climb the corporate complaint ladder. If that doesn't work, I agree you should take them to small claims court. What's the point of purchasing a car with warranty if the manufacturer won't stand by it?

I would think ford wants you to take them to small claims court to get rid of you. They do not show up at court and simply appeal the ruling. Like you know how to handle an appeal.

Post here. Post everywhere. Post often - Let them know this is your intent.

I am already considering a gmc accadia.

Ford needs bad press like they need a whole in their head.

POST POST POST - the rest of your life

I would think ford wants you to take them to small claims court to get rid of you. They do not show up at court and simply appeal the ruling. Like you know how to handle an appeal.

Post here. Post everywhere. Post often - Let them know this is your intent.

I am already considering a gmc accadia.

Ford needs bad press like they need a whole in their head.

POST POST POST - the rest of your life

Don't kid yourself, theres issue with the Acadia too.

Wife drives a 13 Acadia Denali, beautiful truck but still has issues.

Handling is not even close to the Explorer, neither is the AWD system. GMC is the only OEM that took a standard 7inch navigation screen and downsized to a 6.5 inch. While the rest of the industry moved to larger screens.

Way too small IMHO.

Its a big heavy truck, and drives like one too.

Drive it first to see if its your type of vehicle but to me the Explorer and Acadia share 3 rows of seating and thats all they have in common.

The Acadia Denali doesnt even come close to a SPORT.

Sorry for minor hijack

i understand your anger - but really - is this worth it? how much would the repair cost?

there are lots of disgruntled people at any large company - it does not and will not hurt ford - its sad but true

bbb complaints might work for a small company - with ford its just one vote down - i also advise going to bbb ONLY after exhausting all other options with ford - opening a bbb complaint before you get a final no from ford assures you will get a no

there are lots of people just as angry as you that have plastered the internet complaining about ford - or any large company - and yet, you bought a ford

but i do understand your anger - been there myself

i understand your anger - but really - is this worth it? how much would the repair cost?

there are lots of disgruntled people at any large company - it does not and will not hurt ford - its sad but true

bbb complaints might work for a small company - with ford its just one vote down - i also advise going to bbb ONLY after exhausting all other options with ford - opening a bbb complaint before you get a final no from ford assures you will get a no

there are lots of people just as angry as you that have plastered the internet complaining about ford - or any large company - and yet, you bought a ford

but i do understand your anger - been there myself

I really wish you had read the thread from the beginning, Ford categorically said no.

I bought a Ford for the first time in 30 years. I did my research and saw people had problems but Ford seemed to make good on the most part, even in THE EXACT SAME CASE as mine.

I really wish you had read the thread from the beginning, Ford categorically said no.

I bought a Ford for the first time in 30 years. I did my research and saw people had problems but Ford seemed to make good on the most part, even in THE EXACT SAME CASE as mine.

I think you are doing the right thing the fact that they blatently said to bad i would be in thwir ears everyday if i had to

Yeah, its a rough time for Ford. Some critical forum posts just might put them under.

Never said it would put them under.

Car companies do not need their ignoring legitimate warranty claims posted for many to read. It is far from a positive that will enhance sales.

...brand new vehicle is falling apart...

a plastic cover fell off

the vehicle is NOT 'falling apart'

but i think 3 more threads on this same complaint will convince me that all fords are '****ty' and anyone that owns one is a fool because everything on them 'falls apart'

a plastic cover fell off

the vehicle is NOT 'falling apart'

but i think 3 more threads on this same complaint will convince me that all fords are '****ty' and anyone that owns one is a fool because everything on them 'falls apart'

If you read the thread he had many little problems and they are ****ty but i still own one and always will so i must be a fool

Oh look, it's happened again:

I had my 2011 Explorer windshield gasket replaced last year because of noise (with no problem since) but yesterday driving down the highway the passenger side A pillar blew off. I did not stop to get it because I wasn't sure what the heck happened (it was quite windy and thought something just hit my window). I took it in today to my local Ford dealer and they told me there was no way it just blew off that I must have done something to it and it wouldn't be covered under warranty. Sounds like maybe they didn't install it correctly or replace the clips? Needless to say I wasn't very happy with their response.

The conspiracy runs deeper than I thought....

I would think ford wants you to take them to small claims court to get rid of you. They do not show up at court and simply appeal the ruling. Like you know how to handle an appeal.

Thats not the way small claim courts work. They are designed as bench trials, where the judge hears the testimony and considers evidence presented. There is no jury. The decision is based on "a preponderance of the evidence submitted", not by a measure of proving your case to a certain degree.

If you don't show up as a defendant, you lose.

This entire thread is a joke and going no where fast......

Skripo is not going to get the satisfaction he is looking for in this forum and he certainly isn't interested in opinions that don't agree with his own.

Enjoy your weekend gents......

Why do you think Ford should warrant the missing part? Porsche and Mercedes don't warrant trim in most cases. Sometimes there are exceptions made for good customers, but ultimately the manufacturer can kick the claim back to the dealer.

If the customer is a frequent flyer, the service department will just eat it. That's why the service manager asked if you bought the car from them. Your reaction did you no good.

From your own description of your preowned Explorer, it sounds like it had a rough life. Some owners are harder than others on their vehicles. It isn't intentional, it's just how they are. I see two year old Range Rovers that are trashed inside. Trim isn't covered.

I think you are burning way too many calories over this. Life's too short.
Just make the repair and move on.

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This entire thread is a joke and going no where fast......

Skripo is not going to get the satisfaction he is looking for in this forum and he certainly isn't interested in opinions that don't agree with his own.

Enjoy your weekend gents......

