Frozen States How Is Your Defroster? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Frozen States How Is Your Defroster?


January 8, 2015
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Each morning I get in my 2002 Explorer and I have icy windows (inside) and my defroster doesnt seem to be very good.

The sides of the windshield @ the A-Pillars stay fogged and the area where my rear view mirror is does the same.

I can let my truck idle/warm up for an hour and then drive for another 40 minutes and thats as good as it gets.

My driver and passenger windows dont clear at all, its warm inside, the temps outside have been pretty darn cold, today was -13 not including wind chill.

Does anyone else have any issues with the defroster not fully clearing their windshield?

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Does the air flow only from the vents selected? So, if you choose defrost, it's not coming out the front etc..

Does the air flow only from the vents selected? So, if you choose defrost, it's not coming out the front etc..

Yes, no blend door issues, everything switches as it should. (if thats what you were getting at)

Not the blend door, but the door that changes vents. It's actuator is to the right of the radio. It's visible by dropping the glove box and looking up toward the radio area.

Everything seems to switch no problem, if said actuator was bad I would not get the vents/dash/defroster switching correct?

Everything seems to switch no problem, if said actuator was bad I would not get the vents/dash/defroster switching correct?

You'd get most of the air out of the front vents and a little out the top. Next to none out the floor.

You'd get most of the air out of the front vents and a little out the top. Next to none out the floor.

Nope everything switches like it should, I think its just a design flaw, the defroster vent should go further out to the edge of the windshield than it does... IMO

Mines been broken so long I don't remember what it was like.

Does your AC still blow cold in the summer? Maybe your refrigerant pressure is low and the compressor doesn't start. In Defrost the AC cycles to remove the moisture that the heat melts. Could be without it that moisture just re-freezes at the edges where it's coldest.

Literally... just had the shop do a coolant flush and install a new thermostat on my wife's 02 Explorer (I work at a dealership) as a result of poor heating. I had them run a coolant temp diagnostic and the temp never got above 175 degrees. It should be running at 195 degrees is everything is working correctly. They just tossed the keys on my desk and I haven't had time to drive it yet...

You may have a similar situation.

AC only functions under 55* F or so.

How is the coolant temperature? Possibly heater core isn't getting enough flow/isn't hot enough? My 2nd gen will drive you out of the car inside of 10 minutes when fully warmed up if you don't turn the fan down, and will melt 2 inches of snow within 20 minutes of a cold start.

Does your AC still blow cold in the summer? Maybe your refrigerant pressure is low and the compressor doesn't start. In Defrost the AC cycles to remove the moisture that the heat melts. Could be without it that moisture just re-freezes at the edges where it's coldest.

It did, it blew nice and icy

You'd get most of the air out of the front vents and a little out the top. Next to none out the floor.

Ok, I found out its not switching correctly. :mad:

When I switch between defrost, defrost/floor, and just floor nothing changes, all those vents blow.

If I go to the other side of the dial the same thing happens but with floor and dash vents.

So is that the actuator?

Ok, I found out its not switching correctly. :mad:

When I switch between defrost, defrost/floor, and just floor nothing changes, all those vents blow.

If I go to the other side of the dial the same thing happens but with floor and dash vents.

So is that the actuator?

Looking at the attached image, the passenger side actuator (right hand side of picture) controls where the flow of air is primarily directed. So, Floor, Front Vent or Defrost.

I believe, the drivers side actuator may determine whether or not the air is split, so Front Vent/Floor or Defrost/Floor etc....

I've not looked at this actuator on my own rig. Not sure how you'd get to it with the dash still in place. But it may be your issue.


  • HVAC Assm.JPG
    HVAC Assm.JPG
    43.6 KB · Views: 145

Looking at the attached image, the passenger side actuator (right hand side of picture) controls where the flow of air is primarily directed. So, Floor, Front Vent or Defrost.

I believe, the drivers side actuator may determine whether or not the air is split, so Front Vent/Floor or Defrost/Floor etc....

I've not looked at this actuator on my own rig. Not sure how you'd get to it with the dash still in place. But it may be your issue.

I was looking at a parts diagram on a Ford parts site and to me it looked like I might only have the one (pass side) since I dont have dual zone temp control.

Is your image for dual zone temp control or did I look at the wrong diagram on the site?

No, their site is tricky on this one. This image is from the manual though. I've not looked for the actuator on my own vehicle.

No, their site is tricky on this one. This image is from the manual though. I've not looked for the actuator on my own vehicle.

Here is where I was looking, if you look at the first group of pics thats without dual zone then the third set is with dual zone.

In those diagrams it looks as thought there is one vacuum motor to control one door and in the dual zone there are two motors to control the same size door but its split in half so driver gets a different temp than passenger if wanted.

Ok I see whats going on your pic actually didnt go into as much detail as another I looked at. and the one I posted is in way too much of an exploded view LOL.

So it seems the main box where the two actuators connect may be two pieces one actuator for one box half and the other for the other half.

May have to clean the garage and turn on the heater this weekend.
