Fuel Gauge problems.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Gauge problems....

AZ Gear Head

July 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
San Tan Valley, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Explorer 2wd
For quiet a while now i have had to judge my gas by tracking my miles lol. What is does it never shows the right amount of gas. Most of the time it just reads dead empty. however some times it will show half or 3/4 and various levels when I know its not right. then slowly go back down to empty. A while back i got bored and lowered the tank and took the pump out. kept it hooked up and adjusted the float by hand. this resulted in a acurate reading on the gauge. However i put it all back in and the same problems occured. Never got back around to it. now i would like to get it resolved as my wife is the main one that drives it now.

Any ideas????

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The float on your sending unit is bad (has a hole in it). You can replace just the unit, or replace the pump and sending unit as an assembly. I replaced just the sender, but I only saved about three bucks. Check RockAuto.



The float on your sending unit is bad (has a hole in it). You can replace just the unit, or replace the pump and sending unit as an assembly. I replaced just the sender, but I only saved about three bucks. Check RockAuto.


i have the same issues on my 94 im gonna buy the whole assembly and call it good

how much is the whole assembly ? and its in the tank correct ?

Yes it is in the tank.

And if you're going to drop the tank, you might as well replace the pump. That Explorer is 17 years old now. And if it has the brass float ball, it is the original one. You can get a whole assembly for 100-150 depending on where you live, and what brand/warranty.


And don't skimp. this is one of those parts you really only want to replace once.. Its not hard, just a paint in the rear.. especially if your tank isn't empty (we emptied ours and it still had enough in it to make it awkward to drop.. as what little was left shifted and the tank fell off the jack).

