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fuel upgrades for my turbo

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sport trac u got video clips of ur turbo sport trac

not yet. i cant fully get on it yet. im waiting for the oil return pump to get here and i gotta get the FMU on it so i can compensate for the boost.

alrighty then

I read somewere that we have the same v6 as the new mustangs have, just a thought but if this is true you can get aftermarket parts for a mustang and put them on your truck.

same size motor but i think some of the parts are different. ill look into it though.

Aside from anything you will do to your Ex, don't skimp on the fuel system. This will mean whether the engine will live or die. Areas I would definately pay attention and get good components for a boosted application:
Fuel pump,MAF meter,Fuel injectors,Tuning! You will invest some coin but it will be worth it. Gotta pay to play!;)

Aside from anything you will do to your Ex, don't skimp on the fuel system. This will mean whether the engine will live or die. Areas I would definately pay attention and get good components for a boosted application:
Fuel pump,MAF meter,Fuel injectors,Tuning! You will invest some coin but it will be worth it. Gotta pay to play!;)

I didn't see this thread until after posting in the other one. Hehehe I pretty much said the exact same thing. :p:
