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Full width Dana 44 and 8.8 under Ranger

I don't have near as many pretty pics as most of you, and no build pics, but it works pretty damn well. Using the generic forklift test the front tires come 42" off the ground before a rear tire lifts, and both rearts lift bfore the front will, which Im thought kinda odd. I don't have any wheelin pics, but the two supplied are from a trip to Tellico last year....poor things been on the road ever since. Any queastions, let me know. Coda

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Sorry, it's been so long. No, I can't post pics, no digi, andmy front shaft didn't need to be lengthened when it was stock, but I did lengthen it when I added the doubler. The steering I'm using now is just till I can afford Histeer, but it works, you can take the stock ranger draglink and turn it around and it will mate up to the 44 tie rod and the steering box. It works, just don't keep it forever. Coda

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Coda, maybe you mentioned it before, but I don't see it - what doubler you running?

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Check it out, so far I've had no problems, but have only had time to test it lightly. Coda

the doubler, so what gear ring & pinion?

5.13 gears....it used to be a DD and it needed low gears for the 3.0 to spin the 37's...thinking bout going leafs now. not sure right now, just know I've seen very few rigs that weren't in magazines that move like my rear end. Then I'll probably go to 39.5 IROK's.

well let me get your springs if you dont need them are they bronco coils or sprung for a 3.0. you used the bronco radious arms and buskets how did they feel at full drop they seem they should bined in the buckets.

can you answer, is your panhard bar stock length?

is 70 the only year that you can take the spring buckets for that would fit for a D44 full size SAS??

I believe the ones I used were from a 72, also used that vintage on another swap I did with a buddy.

Hey this truck looks aweful familar to me..... OHH yea!! it is sittin in my drive way... must say this truck was built right when it was done.... if anyone wants particular pix, hollar and i will see what i can do, but the truck no longer has the doubler.. he kept it, but i can get the pix of the custom cross member if needed....

Damn, you are one lucky guy wheelin42001!!! Where do you live at in GA? I'm in Lawrenceville. :)

yea i'm in Cumming... lucky ehh for the most part, been spending a lot of money gettin it back up and running (lil shiat costs a ton) it is bedless right now, he was gonna flat bed it so hey if you know of any ranger beds (93+) for a good price PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!

wheelin42001 said:
the truck no longer has the doubler.. he kept it, but i can get the pix of the custom cross member if needed....
I'd like to see a pic of the crossmember. :D

What's your plans for the gap in the driveline? Another doubler, or re-do the driveshafts?

he tossed in a stock rear shaft, and picked up a front shaft from the j-yard... now the crossmember is a bit ugly but it worked then and is workin now

yahoo link, might not work

if that link doesn't work shoot me a PM wit ur email and i will see what i can send ya...

Believe it or not the driveline feels much better with it mounted down tighter with those radius arm bushings. The tranny used to torque alot, even with a new tranny mount. I was quite pleased with it. Suprising how little vibrationgets transmitted to the cab considering it's poly bushings. Not pretty, but it works well. Gonna do something of the same sort with the new rig, gonna be almost all fabbed though, cause I shifted the front axle forward like four additional inches when I built that one. Plus, there's some other things that were done when I wasn't there that I dislike, like the radius arm mounts and the tranny xmember thats in there now is so booty fab that it makes the one on that truck look like a pro built it..hehe.

only thing i see needing immediate attention is the steering which will be address after tellico, and some new coils up front....
