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Fun Hump Day Movies

total hacker:


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That was hilarious. Only thing is what if the guy had a heart attack?

Could have all been staged and not a prank at all... :dunno:

Not funny but interesting to watch/know:


^-- i think my bicycle has as much in common to that as a real Mustang ;)
(dead link)

Haha true that. Although you still must admit regardless it is AWESOME!

Not funny but interesting to watch/know:

The BEST idea is to never rear end a semi in the first place. :thumbsup: Instead of "smarter" and "safer" cars and trucks how about smarter and safer drivers??

The BEST idea is to never rear end a semi in the first place. :thumbsup: Instead of "smarter" and "safer" cars and trucks how about smarter and safer drivers??

Not get into an accident and drive safe?

Do they even teach that in Driver's ed? I thought that you were supposed to blame being a bad driver on the car companies for not putting enough air bags and technology in a car to make it drive itself while we are distracted by all the technology in our car.

What we really need is AIs in cars that disable all safety equipment in a car when someone is driving like an idiot, drunk, etc. Either that or put everyone in a mid-50s sedan and hope that good drivers stay off the road for a week or two until all the idiots have killed themselves.

:Edit: I had better post this video before someone starts saying about how they'd rather be in a big steel tank from the 50s than the plastic crap we drive today.


The BEST idea is to never rear end a semi in the first place. :thumbsup: Instead of "smarter" and "safer" cars and trucks how about smarter and safer drivers??

Once I was on I35 a little to the north of Edgerton, heading back from Olathe, Ks.
The sun was in everyone's eyes, we crested a hill to find traffic stopped! It took everything I could do to slow down from 65mph. There was no warning. I could see how someone could slam into the rear of a stopped truck in this situation.

about 1 minute later a car came sliding right beside me and into the ditch.


(dead link)

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that is a good one might have to try next time I eat at someones house
