gears, Limited slip and tracloc? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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gears, Limited slip and tracloc?


Explorer Addict
March 31, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Greenville SC (Home) Clemson SC (School)
Year, Model & Trim Level
GMC Yukon 4x4
I currently have 3:27 gears. I am about to go to 32 inch tires (I have 28 inchers right now). I bought some used 3:73 gears. I dont really have the money to go to 4:10 or 4:56. I think since I really dont go off road more than once every 1-2 weeks that will be adequte. Now to the question. I can buy a trac loc for the front, should i? And also, I am interested in putting a limited slip in the back, anyone have one they can sell me? Do these sound like good things to do? Im just trying to upgrade my drivetrain, and my cash flow aint huge. I know gear installation will be about $400 or more. So I figure let them put in any lockers etc then too.

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373 LS should be fine..This is what I'm running with 31s and I have no problems in the soft Florida sand..You may want to do the rear first, as you will use it more often..Enjoy

i run 3.73's with 33's and it's not that bad that would be a great setup the dual limited slips u may want at least one locker though maybe in the front and ls in the rear that's what i am going to be runnin

ok here is the deal. I need to figure out what to run in the front and back diffs. I dont have much to spend. I wont go off road usually more than one time a week, but i dont want to look like i have a piece of **** when i do. I can get a trac loc up front, for $150. rear, i either want to leave open i guess or get a limited slip. How would the explorer perform with just a trac loc up front and nothing in the rear? thanks.

I think you could make it to the crest of the hill with a rear Trac loc (you need to push up) & make it over the crest of a hill (pulling over) with a front Trac loc. Both is the way to go.An avid now passed on wheeler taught me that simple idea about lockers. :' ) He didn't say Trac loc's :' )but it's the same principal. I think your front Tac loc will also live longer and will like the added help in the rear! Just my .02c ps plus you will have a nice sleeper for off road fun for the buck. Good Luck.

i think u should go with dual limited slips maybe a trac loc in the front and a auburn in the rear

Ok I got the trac loc. how hard is it to put in? should I get it done when i get my gears done or do it myself? As for the limited slip for the back where can i get a cheap one?
