Gen II Inner Fender Shields/Guards | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gen II Inner Fender Shields/Guards


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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is there somewhere else, besides rockauto, who sells gen II inner fender splash guards? rockauto shows a LH and a RH part#, but the pictures look identical. furthermore, the LH side is half the price ($8) of the RH side ($17). are the LH and RH sides the same pattern? if so, why 2 different part#'s?

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. has them for LH $24.07 and RH $22.74.

LH part number is 7Z-16103-AD
RH part number is 7Z-16102-AD

The pictures are just representations. They aren't the same pattern. And they're different prices because of supply and demand. One side probably gets ordered a lot more often than the other.

thanks obie.

FWIW, mine were torn and flopping around - I glued them back together with black RTV and it's held up great.

FWIW, mine were torn and flopping around - I glued them back together with black RTV and it's held up great.

thanks, but that tip won't help my situation.

Hey koda if you get a set for yours can you let us know how they work out? I've seen a decent number of threads about them and mine have been missing since day 1.

Hey koda if you get a set for yours can you let us know how they work out? I've seen a decent number of threads about them and mine have been missing since day 1.

i ended up ordering them from RockAuto. i didn't want to because one was twice the price of the other (left vs right sides) for no reason i can determine. the shields are pretty much the same, side to side, except for a different pattern, and made out of recycled tires. the other problem with getting them from RA, is that the shields ship from two different locations. anyway, $42.70 later included shipping (still the best price i could find) i received the left side yesterday and will install it today.

the other pain is trying to find the retainers if yours are broken or missing. you need 10 of them, and the auto parts stores only seem to carry the correct size in a Dorman assortment pack that only contains 2 or 3 of the correct size per package. i ended up buying a different type of push rivet, which come in a 2-pack, so i had to buy 5 packs at about $2.50 per. the push rivets are slightly larger in diameter than the original retainers, so i may need to enlarge the holes in the plastic fender slightly, but at least they're infinitely reusable (which is a good thing, because i find i need to remove the shields fairly regularly to do various reparis and maintenance). i'm sure the RA shields will fit and function like the originals as they're pretty much the same part. i'll let you know if i have any problems with them.

Yeah mine are non existent. I was going to just rivet them on but you make a good point about being able to take them off to make repairs. Thanks for the updates.

If your not in a hurry and Rock has the parts in diffrent warehouses, just add them to your cart and check back everyday. Ive done this a few times and the parts at some time end up in the same warehouse.

the Dorman push rivets i used worked great. i had to use my step-drill to drill the holes in the plastic inner fender one size larger, but then they fit perfectly, are easily removed and reuseable for service. if anyone is interested, the Dorman part number is 961-070.

as far as the RockAuto left side ($9) splash shield quality, it appears to be made out of a thinner-than-OE rubber-like material, but the fit was dead on. if it wasn't for having to drill the holes in the inner fender bigger for the push rivets, the installation time would have been about 60 seconds. as it was, it took me all of about 3 minutes. i'm waiting to see if the right side ($18) splash shield will be any different quality wise (it should be at double the price... right?)
