General Spring KC Add-A-Leaf Anyone Tried it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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General Spring KC Add-A-Leaf Anyone Tried it?


Elite Explorer
January 11, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Lawrence, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4
Hey everyone, I've Got an 2001 Explorer Sport 4x4 at 287K. The rear springs are tired and flat, its not a monoleaf but the (3/1) leaf spring pack. I was thinking about getting a new 4 door leaf spring pack or just adding a leaf to mine to increase the ride height back. I want to try adding a leaf before I buy a new spring pack, since I figure I would use the add a leaf in the new pack if it doesn't work out with the old one.

Has anyone tried the General Spring KC Explorer Add a Leaf kits before? It seems like they have a bunch of different capacity increases and I was wondering which I should go with? Anywhere from 500lbs to 976 lbs with both a long lead option or a short lead option.

1995 - 2001 Explorer rear add a leaf with factory 4(3/1) leaf - 786 Lb Increase


bump for OP have no experience with this one used OMEs

In my experience, add a leafs ride very stiff. It's a bandaid. You need new springs so do it right. I think you would be better off spending twice as much and replacing the leafs. Rock Auto has some Dayton springs available. If you really want a add a leaf, Amazon has Superlift brand for less than the General.
