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Ghost in the machine


February 10, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
essex, maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 ford explorer xlt
I have a 2013 Ex xlt. I am having all kind of crazy issues. My climate control always goes to auto when i turn it on and the proximity sensors go off even when there is nothing around me. Is anyone else having this issue and if so how in the world do I fix it?

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I have a 2013 Ex xlt. I am having all kind of crazy issues. My climate control always goes to auto when i turn it on and the proximity sensors go off even when there is nothing around me. Is anyone else having this issue and if so how in the world do I fix it?
Is this something new or has it always done this? I'm guessing that when you say the proximity sensors go off it is only when you put the Ex in reverse? They can be very sensitive at times. I occasionally get a 'false' indication when I don't see anything that might cause it go off. It isn't something that happens very often.
Have you checked to ensure the sensors are cleaned off?
When I had my 2011 Ex, I always had the Climate Control set to "Auto" so I don't know if that is normal or not. I wouldn't think so.


It has been going one since I bought the thing. I am the second owner. Yes the proximity alarm goes off when I am in reverse and there is nothing there. The blind side light goes off when there is nothing there. Where are the sensors so I can clean them? The climate control is killing me. I hate that it goes on auto by itself. I really don't like that feature.

It has been going one since I bought the thing. I am the second owner. Yes the proximity alarm goes off when I am in reverse and there is nothing there. The blind side light goes off when there is nothing there. Where are the sensors so I can clean them? The climate control is killing me. I hate that it goes on auto by itself. I really don't like that feature.
Going from memory believe the rear bumper has 4 sensors mounted in it. Two are near the corners and two are on the rear facing section. I believe the two corner ones, which may be on the body panel, are for the Cross Traffic Alert and two on the rear facing section are for the proximity sensors when backing up and they display the green, yellow and red sections in the camera (if equipped). The radar units for the BLIS are located behind the rear bumper fascia rearward of the wheels. The sensors are small and circular in shape.
The BLIS indicators in the mirrors light up momentarily each time you start the vehicle to indicate that they are working.


It has been going one since I bought the thing. I am the second owner. Yes the proximity alarm goes off when I am in reverse and there is nothing there. The blind side light goes off when there is nothing there. Where are the sensors so I can clean them? The climate control is killing me. I hate that it goes on auto by itself. I really don't like that feature.

Usually gremlins in electronics are a sign of a weak battery. If it hasn't been replaced in a long time maybe its time a for a new one. A weak charging system or voltage regulator (part of the alternator) can also cause electronics to function incorrectly.

Going from memory believe the rear bumper has 4 sensors mounted in it. Two are near the corners and two are on the rear facing section. I believe the two corner ones, which may be on the body panel, are for the Cross Traffic Alert and two on the rear facing section are for the proximity sensors when backing up and they display the green, yellow and red sections in the camera (if equipped). The radar units for the BLIS are located behind the rear bumper fascia rearward of the wheels. The sensors are small and circular in shape.
The BLIS indicators in the mirrors light up momentarily each time you start the vehicle to indicate that they are working.


The BLIS & Cross Traffic alerts use radar sensor located on the sides behind the rear bumper (or rear side panel, not 100% sure), below the tail lamps. The rear 4 sensors are all for the rear park assist/warning, hence you see 4 blocks in the display (the green/yellow/red squares).

.......The BLIS & Cross Traffic alerts use radar sensor located on the sides behind the rear bumper (or rear side panel, not 100% sure), below the tail lamps. The rear 4 sensors are all for the rear park assist/warning, hence you see 4 blocks in the display (the green/yellow/red squares).
Not sure if I agree with the last sentence. I believe the coloured blocks are triggered by the 2 sensors on the rear facing part of the bumper only, not the ones on the sides since the proximity changes the closer you get to an object and the side sensors wouldn't detect any change in that.
I believe I tested that a few years ago by covering up the corner sensors and it did not affect the display of the coloured blocks. Unfortunately I can't confirm that now since the MKT has the sensors in different areas. You are correct about the radar location as I also mentioned that in my post and it is shown in the Manual as well.

