got a hood scoop | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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got a hood scoop

i think the scoop was 47.00 plus shipping at most maybe 67.00 my son bought it for my wife.. I had all the materials to do the body work. I only had to buy the base paint a spayable quart was 67.00 I always buy more paint than needed.. paint dont got to waste.. but if you wanted to do something like this yourself and needed everything your probaly going to spend upwards of 250.00plus

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Just curious to where someone would go to buy the supplies needed to to it yourself? And also what supplies would be needed for this project? This looks like the way I'm going to have to go, seeing as they don't make a functioning hood scope for a 96 X.

Looks sweet. I just have an issue with non functional hood scoops. All the new mustangs just have them stuck on the hood and it bugs me. Does look really sweet though and good taste by the Wife! If it was functional that would certainly be the icing on the cake for me though. Awesome work.

Just curious to where someone would go to buy the supplies needed to to it yourself? And also what supplies would be needed for this project? This looks like the way I'm going to have to go, seeing as they don't make a functioning hood scope for a 96 X.

pepboys should have most of what you need..
fiberglass filler, evercoat filler from a auto body supply house. evercoat is some quality filler.. keep in mind to rivet each corner and mid section. or it will just crack.. these scoops just dont fit flush..
