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Got into a rear collision

It's weird that your rates could go up from being in a non-fault accident. I know the US has some crazy cheap policies, but none of the mainstream places would do this. If you get rear ended a red light, how can it be your fault at all?

And yeah, an estimate doesn't mean there is further underlying damage that won't be found until they tear it apart. Also just looking at the pics, easily looking at 4-5k in damage, if not more -- once you factor in hitch replacement, paint and body work.
Yea a buddy of mine owns a body shop. I stop by now and then. He sometimes has vehicles on the frame rack and I marvel at how he can straighten stuff. As he puts it, "pretty much everything needs a pull" I hope the OP does not just take a check. At that point the damaged vehicle will not pay on another rear end collision unless there is proof it was fixed. I hate auto collisions. There is just no way to get it back right these days. Always will know it got hit.

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we got rear ended in our 2016 EX within the first year of owning it.
today you'd never know it since they replace with new every piece back there and the paint was fresh enough a solid match was easy. It'd be hard to notice.

I'll always know - sure but others wouldn't see it.

When I was read ended, I did not have to change anything except for a hitch cover - gloss black, the guy paid that amount. I had my local indy car lift the car up to see if there is any damage to exaust or hitch and non was seen, only bent hitch cover. Look if there is any dents or damage to the hitch. Judging from the pics looks like nothing else has been damaged except for the hitch cover or lower facade.

When I was read ended, I did not have to change anything except for a hitch cover - gloss black, the guy paid that amount. I had my local indy car lift the car up to see if there is any damage to exaust or hitch and non was seen, only bent hitch cover. Look if there is any dents or damage to the hitch. Judging from the pics looks like nothing else has been damaged except for the hitch cover or lower facade.
It may be an optical illusion but looking at the first picture it looks like the right side pin connector on the hitch has been pushed inward.


When I was read ended, I did not have to change anything except for a hitch cover - gloss black, the guy paid that amount. I had my local indy car lift the car up to see if there is any damage to exaust or hitch and non was seen, only bent hitch cover. Look if there is any dents or damage to the hitch. Judging from the pics looks like nothing else has been damaged except for the hitch cover or lower facade.

The right side hitch pin connector is bent and the exhaust is bent. The lower hitch cover is broken and the plastic it attaches too is also damaged. I thought it wasn't that bad until I looked at it further. I hope the insurance covers the hitch because I wouldn't want that liability of any unknown damage since the hitch took some of the impact.

I am pretty surprised how well the Explorer has held up because I was hit 2 times in the rear before, no noticeable damage and the hitch cover was fine so I decided not to go towards any actions for those. 3rd time's the charm I guess.

OP please take this moment to also go out and shop for new insurance. you should probably shop around every 2-3 years anyway. That's what I do. Granted state laws are different but even so - shopping around is always a good idea.

Meanwhile your rate shouldn't go up because of a no-fault accident unless there are other factors - get your insurnace agent to spell them out for you. Also who is your current insurance? Just curious.

On the other hand yes take that to a body shop - while the bumper cover bounced back - it's made to. There are supports under there and a foam pad that need looking over and probably replacement. The hitch if bent anywhere - needs to be replaced all the way to the body bolt up. IE the whole thing

It's probably minimal but as mentioned before it's all about that liability. If you were to be towing something next month and things got awry and you hit someone your insurance might not want to cover it at all - and they might have the grounds to stand on if they can prove previous unreported damage. State laws vary greatly.

I spoke to my insurance agent. He said specifically, do not call my own insurance company because it is her insurance company that should be at fault/ pay. So I guess I'm in the clear as long as I don't report it to my own insurance company or else they would raise their rates on me.

they aren't supposed to. Also insurance companies talk to each other anyway - it's them against us you know.

But again - you really should shop around if that is your concern.

Give you an example - I swapped from Nationwide to Allstate. Now I shopped a few others like State Farm. But I'd been with Nationwide for about 5 years.

upon getting quotes from Met LIfe, State Farm, All State, etc - every one of them pulled up a list of accidents attached to my driver's license number and my wife's - as well as the "listed AT fault" party. So don't think your company doesn't know just because you didn't call them

Likewise - they know who's listed at fault for each incident. Now I know state laws change greatly but atleast here - they are not allowed to raise your rate for accidents listed where you are not at fault. This by the way is why I was moving from Nationwide. They wouldn't lower my rates so shopping around everyone I tried was cheaper than nationwide - by as much as 20%. Make sure to check your coverages though.

I agree with Napalm. It sounds like the OP has some really sketchy insurance, evidenced by his interactions with his agent. There's something really fishy about your agent telling you not to call your own insurance company. There are some really nasty and cheap car insurance options out there, but they won't pay up. Always better to go with a nation wide brand than some weird offshoot just because you save some money.

When I was in the accident and not at fault. I needed my vehicle fixed ASAP. My insurance is Geico. My agent said that I will need to submit a claim to the other insurance party. Body shop owner told me that he will not release my car back to me before he gets his check from insurance. I called the other guys insurance, provided all info and they told me that they need to confirm with other party and that the check could take weeks or a month for me to get. I did not want to wait weeks, as it has already been almost a week since the accident.
I called back my agent. I said that I had tried to submit a claim but the payment will be arrive in few weeks or a month and one of you will be responsible 1000 more bucks for a in door storage fee for my car as per body shop owner. Agent put me on hold, connected us with a repair shop and repair shop received a check in 2 days just as my cars front bumper, fog light and front fascia all were replaced. I believe, I submitted the claim on my insurance. Agent reported that insurance rates will not raise due to other person taking 100 at fault liability, plus I still have one accident forgiveness which is pretty cool. When shopping for insurance, I would not switch insurance if the annual price is less then $200 or so. Accident forgiveness is a big plus I did not know about and some other perks. Also looking to make sure your deductible and coverage is the same.

Also some states have diminished car value claim and depends on a state can be submitted within 3 years of the accident or earlier if possible. You have to be 100 percent not at fault. My damage was $3,200 total with parts, labor, paint and taxes. I called my insurance agent and he told me to contact the at fault party agent. He was probably pretending not to know what it means or if its possible for me to apply for. He put me on hold while he was discussing with his supervisor and told me that he will send me diminished car value claim form in mail and then the adjuster will come inspect my car again. Its been 2 weeks now and I still have not received it. I will call him again and probably will stop by my Ford dealer where I got my truck to see if I can get something in writing from them if I wanted to trade in my car for a 17 Sport, how much value would I loose. I will be pretending that I am interested in 17 Sport.
Insurance agencies don't wont us to know as they are loosing money on this. I am in the process of researching this "diminished car value claim" further.

no insurance company has actually lost money in the last 5 decades. When was the last time you heard of an insurnace company closing up shop or laying off employees? I don't recall one - only mergers and the like.

Sorry but 2 of them have me right pissed off.

I will say this for Nationwide - aside from being way expensive for me at the time - for a claim - like when we were rear ended - they expect you to make a claim with them - and you should. They will offer to take care of the whole deal and I let them. IT's what you're paying them for. SO I took to the shop I wanted, it was orchestrated though the other insurnace company - they actually called me and worked though the details including getting our rental car and the like. I wasn't out one dollar.

I have heard Allstate and State Farm both operate this way also. If the other insurnace company give you grief and smurfs up the lot - that's what your insurnace company is for - and they will fight out the issues with them.

In MN, we are a "no-fault" state. Contrary to what many people think, it has nothing to do with who hit who.

What is means is that your insurance will cover you(as long as you have the coverage), regardless of who's at fault, until everything is settled. So, say a person hits me and it's their fault, but it's still being reviewed. I can get my car fixed, rental vehicle, dr. visits...etc, my insurance will pay for it and they will then get reimbursed by the other insurance company when everything is settled. I think I would have to pay the deductible, but beyond that, everything would be covered.
If in the end, it's determined to be my fault, my rates would likely go up(depending on payout I suppose).

So I went and got my car looked at by the ladies insurance (Geico and they seem pretty good, they had this whole drive through claims thing). The appraiser said the hitch looks fine because it's really strong and it looks like the connector on bracket on the right can be bent back. The exhaust has to be replaced DB5Z5230D and the black plastic bumper pieces (3 pieces, the hitch cover BB5Z17F000BA, the thing that the hitch cover attaches to BB5Z17F000AA, and then the plastic part that holes the sensors BB5Z17F828EA).

The bumper part with the paint will just need to be repainted. No need for replacement. Parts are $1,492.32 total apparently - 10% of 1,124.32 for the exhaust apparently because they pay only 90% for the exhaust apparently since it's rusted already. Adding labor and tax comes out to $1,682.18. I didn't think it was that bad when first looking at it. Never thought it'd be that expensive.

They wrote a check and I was able to find all the parts cheaper and smoke with a mechanic buddy of mine who could do all the fixes for me for cheap. I also want to go with an aftermarket exhaust instead of the stock one (better flow, etc). Have trouble deciding which one but... The Geico appraiser guy said once I cash the check, it's my money so do whatever with it, and if the mechanic finds more damage, they'll just pay that cost as well, but I still have the option to get it repaired at one of their shops.

Also, he told me a lot of people get their cars inspected a while after the accident, mostly during tax season or Christmas and they just take the insurance money to buy presents or something. Cool guy and gave me lots of info.

Also, thanks for the tips for shopping around. I'll probably check out Allstate and Nationwide.

could just straighten the hitch plate and buy a new cover and leave it for now. If you really wanted to could put a bat or large pipe it the exhaust opening and bend it back.:popcorn:

Good to hear you got it settled. It's surprising how much things cost to repair on newer vehicles these days.

So I went and got my car looked at by the ladies insurance (Geico and they seem pretty good, they had this whole drive through claims thing). The appraiser said the hitch looks fine because it's really strong and it looks like the connector on bracket on the right can be bent back. The exhaust has to be replaced DB5Z5230D and the black plastic bumper pieces (3 pieces, the hitch cover BB5Z17F000BA, the thing that the hitch cover attaches to BB5Z17F000AA, and then the plastic part that holes the sensors BB5Z17F828EA).

The bumper part with the paint will just need to be repainted. No need for replacement. Parts are $1,492.32 total apparently - 10% of 1,124.32 for the exhaust apparently because they pay only 90% for the exhaust apparently since it's rusted already. Adding labor and tax comes out to $1,682.18. I didn't think it was that bad when first looking at it. Never thought it'd be that expensive.

They wrote a check and I was able to find all the parts cheaper and smoke with a mechanic buddy of mine who could do all the fixes for me for cheap. I also want to go with an aftermarket exhaust instead of the stock one (better flow, etc). Have trouble deciding which one but... The Geico appraiser guy said once I cash the check, it's my money so do whatever with it, and if the mechanic finds more damage, they'll just pay that cost as well, but I still have the option to get it repaired at one of their shops.

Also, he told me a lot of people get their cars inspected a while after the accident, mostly during tax season or Christmas and they just take the insurance money to buy presents or something. Cool guy and gave me lots of info.

Also, thanks for the tips for shopping around. I'll probably check out Allstate and Nationwide.

Yeah, that sounds like a diminished car value claim. Not every state offers it and you have to be not liable. I am surprised the agent even brought it up as most of them don't want to dish out extra cash. I am in the process of doing that now and will need to schedule an appointment with Geico inspector.

Yeah, that sounds like a diminished car value claim. Not every state offers it and you have to be not liable. I am surprised the agent even brought it up as most of them don't want to dish out extra cash. I am in the process of doing that now and will need to schedule an appointment with Geico inspector.

He actually meant that people got money to repair their cars but instead of actually fixing their cars, they just pocket the money.

I think I still have the option of a diminished value claim. I don't know if it's worth it though.

He actually meant that people got money to repair their cars but instead of actually fixing their cars, they just pocket the money.

I think I still have the option of a diminished value claim. I don't know if it's worth it though.

depends entirely on your state laws and I suspect you do. Also in that you have to have proof the car was fixed and it's often another inspection. MInor issue really. Loss value claim on ours with replaced the tailgate total - was some 840 dollars IIRC.

depends entirely on your state laws and I suspect you do. Also in that you have to have proof the car was fixed and it's often another inspection. MInor issue really. Loss value claim on ours with replaced the tailgate total - was some 840 dollars IIRC.

I think that the total repairs is one thing that insurance agencies calculates diminished car value claim. When I spoke to my the agent for the at fault driver (as I need to make a claim with him), I told him that I will not be able to sell my car for as much as it would be sold if there was no accident reported on Carfax. I told him that I will go to my Ford Dealership and will get you a letter in writing reporting how much less money I would get if I would sell the car today, with an accident on it. He said that it would be helpful.
No matter how small or big the accident was, there is an accident reported on my carfax. I am curious of how much less value would the dealership give me and I want to present that number to the insurance company.

Lots of good points on this thread. Repairs made, the value is diminished from the accident record, but not to all buyers. But have the receipts for repairs documented with the insurance company to protect yourself in you are hit again. As for Insurance companies I have home and auto both with Liberty Mutual. Not the cheapest but as far as representative for me I cannot say enough. Without going into details lets say I am somewhat grateful to have had them when I needed them. Car repairs have always been completed and paid for like clockwork.

I don't really see this particular accident being a worthy contender for diminished value. That's usually what happens when a car takes a big impact that costs over $10k to fix, like a good t-bone.

I recently lost a mirror fight with a Ford F-150. I underestimated his extended trailer mirrors. He was waiting to park and I passed him on the left. My right mirror got decimated by his left mirror. $1703.69 CDN to fix -- new mirror, passenger window was replaced too because it was scratched up from the mirror impact, and the new mirror had to be painted "Ford black". My first at fault accident in my life, and it was just dumb -- still was getting used to a new big car. My last car was a much smaller Honda Civic. His mirror had a tiny chip in the plastic and it was a strong rigid mirror.

I had my car at the body shop the same morning I did the online filing of a claim for an estimate. They ordered the parts, I dropped it off two days later, and picked it up later that day, back to new. By then the claim was sorted. I paid my $300 deductible when I picked up my car and all was done. And the body shop that my dealer uses was fortuitously walking distance to my work.

That accident was a really crappy day. It was the first major snow in Vancouver and traffic was hell. But this accident had nothing to do with the weather and it happened 1 block from my office.


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I don't really see this particular accident being a worthy contender for diminished value. That's usually what happens when a car takes a big impact that costs over $10k to fix, like a good t-bone.

I recently lost a mirror fight with a Ford F-150. I underestimated his extended trailer mirrors. He was waiting to park and I passed him on the left. My right mirror got decimated by his left mirror. $1703.69 CDN to fix -- new mirror, passenger window was replaced too because it was scratched up from the mirror impact, and the new mirror had to be painted "Ford black". My first at fault accident in my life, and it was just dumb -- still was getting used to a new big car. My last car was a much smaller Honda Civic. His mirror had a tiny chip in the plastic and it was a strong rigid mirror.

I had my car at the body shop the same morning I did the online filing of a claim for an estimate. They ordered the parts, I dropped it off two days later, and picked it up later that day, back to new. By then the claim was sorted. I paid my $300 deductible when I picked up my car and all was done. And the body shop that my dealer uses was fortuitously walking distance to my work.

That accident was a really crappy day. It was the first major snow in Vancouver and traffic was hell. But this accident had nothing to do with the weather and it happened 1 block from my office.


That totally sucks. Can't say I haven't hit the mirror myself. I did it twice. Once in a parking garage and once when I passed someone with tow mirrors. Happened at low speed though so it just folded. My father also broke my driver side mirror 4 years ago. I bought the part and installed it myself. Thanks to the forum, I've saved tons of money doing my own labor on my car.
