got stuck burned clutch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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got stuck burned clutch

July 19, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Alexandria, Va.
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
what is a slave cylcinder? my car still moves but it feels like the clutch is still on till about 3000rpms. I think i blew the clutch the throwout bearings and the slave cylcinder. from my description do you agree. if so should i have the clutch possibly adjusted or replace the entire assembly?

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If the throw out bearings go bad then you basically have the opposite problem than when the clutch goes bad. The clutch won't disengage when you push it in. Sounds like the clutch and slave cylinder might be toast. How many miles are on it? I would probably just replace the whole kitten kaboodle, clutch ,throwout bearings and slave cylinder.

Slave cylinder is the part of the clutch which provides the force to disengage/engage the clutch. Good news and bad news. Good news they are cheap and easy to repace. Bad news you have to remove the engine or the transfer case and transmission to get to it.

unclemeat said:
Bad news you have to remove the engine or the transfer case and transmission to get to it.

What, remove the engine?

Its directly on the input shaft of the transmission. You remove the transmission and boom, there is the throw out bearing and behind it is the slave cylinder.

If you replace the slave cylinder you might as well replace everything.

You can get a nice performance clutch from companies like Centerforce if you wish. But the slave cylinder, throw out bearing, and pilot bearing will have to come from LUK or FORD. Its the same brand, LUK makes the clutch assemblies for FORD.

LUK Gold set is $230 i believe.

if you never dropped the tranny before, i recommend getting a 'transmission jack,' very much a time saver and unless you can bench a transmission its a people saver too.

i put it in the shop and they told me the slave cyclinder went bad along with the clutch. Price came to $850 for parts and labor. but thanks for the replys
