Grinding vibration feel in drive train AWD when foot is off the gas pedal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Grinding vibration feel in drive train AWD when foot is off the gas pedal


Well-Known Member
June 19, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Johnson City, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
Multiple 99-00 5.0 AWD
Without the front drive shaft, smooth, no noticeable vibration. With the front drive shaft (I have tried 3 different drive shafts, one new, two rebuilt), and I get a grinding vibration type feel that gets worse when I take my foot off the accelerator or put in neutral. Transfer case is from a salvage yard but I have verified all 4 wheels are turning on jackstands and I cannot spin the tires on wet roads accelerating like I can when the front drive shaft is removed (2WD) so I am thinking the viscous coupling is okay. I am thinking it may be a bearing in the front differential or in the transfer case. I have not been able to detect any horizonal movement in the bearings but I cannot tell for certain. I am planning on draining the transfer case in clean pan and see if I can see any metal and I also am going to double check for any horizontal movement of the front drive shaft at both ends.

Any ideas about what could cause the grinding vibration feel?


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Sounds like a pinion bearing to me

Sounds like a pinion bearing to me
Thanks, yes, could be, I should have the chance this long weekend to get underneath it and see if there is any play. I guess there are two options, one in the front differential, the other in the AWD transfer case, has anyone every replaced either of these?

Don't worry help is on the way
These people on here are absolute pros

There is horizontal play in the yoke coming out of the front differential that connects to the front drive shaft. I think this is the issue. It sounds like the pinion bearing and this is a drive line shop issue and not really for the home mechanic. Comments/experiences?
