hard shift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hard shift


New Member
February 7, 2011
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City, State
Menomonee Falls WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT
Hey everybody.

Just bought an 05 explorer the other day noticed it kinda shifts hard everyonce in a while. Had a tech from the Ford dealer look at it before I bought it he said nothing was wrong with it and it one happens sometimes it has a little over 124000 on it any thoughts would be great thanks

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Mine has been doing the same for a long time. I now have 135K. I've changed the filter/fluid, adjusted the bands, etc. and it still does it. I plan to just use it the way it is until rebuild.

More than likely the servo bores are worn out. Unfortunately it is a lot of work to get to and replace, and most shops will insist on a complete rebuild if they go that far into it.

While I don't know what causes the explorer to "shift hard", I do know that the "smooth shift" is something that is set up to comfort the occupants. When a tranny "shifts smooth" something has to slip and slipping causes wear. I prefer a firm shift and have been known to add a little "Type F" to keep things from slipping.
Around 1986 I once knew a lady who drove a 1984 Mercedes 300SD. She sold that fine car simply because of how firm it shifted. When I asked her husband what became of the Mercedes he told my why and went on to say the dealer told them that it was normal. He didn't believe them. Those old Merc. trannys would last forever if serviced. Some of the older fords I remember had the firm shift. I wished some company made a shift kit for the/our EX.
