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hardwire question


Active Member
June 12, 2012
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'98 XLT
I am looking to hardwire an extra cigarette lighter underneath my floor cupholder/console to power a phone charger (only with the ignition ON or at ACC). I have one of those add-a-circuit set ups that plugs into the fuse box, however, I cant seem to find a power source that shuts off with the ignition. I figured the radio fuse would disconnect power to the cigarette lighter but it is still hot even with the ignition off. Anyone know of a fuse that will kill the power to the new outlet when the ignition is off? I have hardwired things in the past using this method but im getting stumped on this one. Also the add-a-circuit says not to exceed 10amps but im only getting power with fuses that are 20+ amps? Any help is appreciated.

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There are 2 power wires going to the radio, one is yellow, and one is red.. One has power all the time and one is switched, I wish I could remember which was which, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out with a test light or a multimeter..

I just took a look at a wiring diagram for the radio in a 98.

Fuse 20, 7.5 Amp, in the Instrument Panel fuse panel is hot only in the Run or Acc positions, and feeds the radio though a yellow with black stripe wire.

Hope this helps.

I just took a look at a wiring diagram for the radio in a 98.

Fuse 20, 7.5 Amp, in the Instrument Panel fuse panel is hot only in the Run or Acc positions, and feeds the radio though a yellow with black stripe wire.

Hope this helps.

Not sure if I tried this fuse...Ill have to give it a go tomorrow. Thanks for the info!

I just took a look at a wiring diagram for the radio in a 98.

Fuse 20, 7.5 Amp, in the Instrument Panel fuse panel is hot only in the Run or Acc positions, and feeds the radio though a yellow with black stripe wire.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, I was "thinking" it was the yellow wire but was not 100% sure...
