has anyone stuck a rear out of a 97 under a 94? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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has anyone stuck a rear out of a 97 under a 94?


New Member
June 7, 2009
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northeast pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer xlt
anyone stick a disc brake rear unser a 94 out of a 97? got a 97 for parts,looks the same,just would like to hear if anyone has done this and what is possibly needed to do it.i figure master cylinders are diffrent due to drum/disc-disc-disc,but everything else looks the same..

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Yes It Has Been Done Before , No I Have Not Done It , But You Also Have To Factor The Axle Gear Ratio , If Its The Same Your Okay , If Not You Need To Re Gear The Axle To Match Your Front Axle (assuming 3.73) in your 94Xlt If Its 4X4 Of course !

I installed a 97 sport 4:10 to a 94 3:27 XLT. :)

Direct swap as brake line fittings are the same, and the E-brake cable bracket on the 94 is the same as the 2nd gens. You can use a 95 Master with ABS on it.

Me too!

Took mine out of a 97 Sport with 4.10 and disc brakes. Money well spent. I didn't hook up the parking brake because mines an automatic and never used it anyway, Indiana's pretty flat. I have 31" (285/50 20) tires and with 4.10 gears this is just what this heavy SUV needs, you'll love it. Do it.

Oh yea, to answer your question, it's direct bolt in. Also, there's some advice I read somewhere to swap out the master cylinder, I haven't done it but sounds like a good idea to pull one out of, ummm uhhh, I think a '95 because of the brake bias...... Do a little research, and don't take my word for it, I haven't done that yet but probably will at some point.

i got the 97 here with me,so all parts are available. the ebrake cable on the 97 are broke,but everything is avalable to me.

got the 94 out of its home from a 2 yr sleep.got to put shackles on it for inspection right now.one has a hole rotted through it,but other than stale gas in it,runs well!

when i get time the motor out of the 97 is coming out,has 257,000 on it but runs well..suprisingly no leaks that i can see.doesnt burn oil either.that motor will be going in the 94 eventually. need to do a trans input seal on the 94,but not now.

i have done this exact swap. from a 97 to a 94 xlt 44. it took me a few days of solid work for the actual swap, not to mention the time i spent on restoring the 97 rear end before i put it in. before i installed the new rear end, i replaced all the brake hardware from caliper slide pins to rotors to brake lines to axle cover. it was also a limited slip and a 3.73 to match my old ratio. i was money well spent. i also put in an add a leaf into the leaf spring pack. i did use the old spring plates but they are interchangeable. if you have any specific questions or need pics, let me know. i put in a 95 mc with no proportioning valve and no cruise control, and it works well.
