Have Reverse, No drive or 4wd. Please help. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have Reverse, No drive or 4wd. Please help.


Well-Known Member
July 25, 2008
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06 Mazda3 GT
Today i changed my spark plugs and oil with a friend. when we finished we took it out to see how much better she ran. we took a dirt road and found that the 4wd would not engauge. along with this my transmission decided on the way to work it would buck. trans now will not do anything in drive 1 or 2. update: shift linkage is clear and works trans fluid is full and smells unburnt

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Sounds like your clutch pack is blown, or the shift fork is fubar in your t-case. Take the Shift motor OFF, and try to move the shift rail by hand (pliers).

I am no Trans guy, but I had recently went through a similar problem. Hopefully other more knowledgeable members will chime in.

Sounds like your clutch pack is blown, or the shift fork is fubar in your t-case. Take the Shift motor OFF, and try to move the shift rail by hand (pliers).

I am no Trans guy, but I had recently went through a similar problem. Hopefully other more knowledgeable members will chime in.

what ended up being the problem with your trans and was it a diy fix?

The Transmission was fine. The problem lied in my T-case. I was out wheeling when the truck popped out of 4x4, and into Neutral. After rocking the truck back and forth, it went into 2wd High. I was also tapping on the case at the same time. I ended up replacing the entire T-case, by myself. Not that difficult to do. The time involved was understanding how the T-case worked, and what could be the problem with it. Rebuilding cost 2-3 times as much as buying a used one. At least around here it does.

The easiest way to see if it is your T-case is to remove the shift motor (5 mins), and try to manually move the shift rail by hand. It should move fairly easy, with little resistance at first, then moving effortlessly to the next position, till it "Clicks" into gear.

This could be or could not be your problem.

You mentioned it was "Bucking", that could be because it is in to high a gear for the rpms. This could be a Transmission problem in itself. I am just trying to help Eliminate the guess work, by suggesting the T-case. Shift motor removal is fast and easy.

another update:

after work, i started it up and put it in drive, and started to give it gas, the car seemed like it wanted to go, but couldn't like i was holding the brakes. I then put it in 1st, and if i kept the rpms under i wanna say 900 i could get my ex to inch forward. sooo.... what did i do that i can move forward but only under 900 rpms, but reverse works fine.....

another day at work, some more info. 2 works fine, i can get the car to move, if i put the pedle to the floor it doesn't go, but it will get going like 35-40 in 2, so i can move it now. i'm going to go under the assumption that the trans was hot as hell when it wouldn't go into drive... but other then that.... any ideas on what the hell i did to my ex?

Starting to sound like your Valvebody shift cam is slipping. There is a "S" clip that holds the cam to the Bear claw on the shifter linkage. I had mine fall off and land in the pan. The cam slid freely back and forth, and depending on where it was, thats what gear I was in.

Soooo....Do you have any play in your shifter? Like does it feel different then before? Is it loose? Does it seem to shift easier?

Again, I am not a trans guy, just trying to help. I would drop the trans pan and have a look see if there is anything in the pan, but first, I would wait and see if anyone else chimes in here to help.

Just as an update, what happened with my truck is a stripped the lower sprag, that is part of the actual trans case as well as frying the inside of the trans. so i needed everything to be rebuilt as well as a new trans case. it cost me 1300 dollars with a trans-go shift kit to be installed. hope this helps someone down the road.


just wanting clarification. Because .... from what little I know, sprag clutches - one way clutches are found in the tranny.

Is your T-case a new process T-case? Does the new process or it's equivalent have sprag clutches?
