headlight problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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headlight problems


New Member
July 22, 2007
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City, State
New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
I have been having a problem with my headlights; after a short run time they will turn off and back on again on their own, if I pull the light stick on the dash they usually come back on but not always. I have heard this could be the multi function switch (blinker stick) or the light stick (pull for headlights) and I don't know where to start or how to go about this. any suggestions? :feedback:

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I have headlight issues as well. Sometimes the highbeams will come on when the daytime running lights are on. If I turn on the full light system, the high beams go out. Weird, but have never heard of this or how to fix. Not a huge issue, just annoying and people think I'm "flicking" them when I'm not!

Thank you, my exploder is a 1992 with automatic nothing. I just replaced the light stick and the only difference between the new and old was the white wheel inside was a little loose compared to the new one. I'll let you know how this turns out.

The light stick switch was the solution, no more random on/offs. this part cost me 22$ and took 5 minutes to complete.
