Heart broken? Try Target's drive-thru service... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heart broken? Try Target's drive-thru service...


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October 12, 1999
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'17 F-150 FX4

Driver Takes Ride Through Department Store

Police want to know why a man went for a ride through a department store in Monroe County. He apparently drove into a Target Department store and started crashing into things.

Officers say 52 year old Patrick Tosh of Wilkes-Carre stole a station wagon, and then just before 11 Friday night, they say he smashed through the pharmacy doors of the Target in Stroud Township.

Tosh is accused of driving up and down the main aisles, crashing into displays and merchandise before driving out through the front doors. Police say the inside of the store is trashed, and they are shocked.. "I've been in law enforcement for many years, and you think you've seen everything. And then you realize, you haven't seen anything, when you see something like this," says Stroud Area Police Chief John Baujan.

About 30 employees were inside the building at the time. Police say the workers scattered when everything started to happen. No one was hit by the car and no one was injured.

Police caught Tosh outside in the parking lot. He was charged Saturday afternoon. Tosh says he's not to blame. When asked about the accusations, Tosh said, "Well, the police are wrong. I was looking for arrows. I've got a wounded heart."

Police are still trying to determine a motive. Target officials say the store will be closed until further notice. However, we're told the pharmacy is still open.

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Most funny stories you read DON'T have pics, so why is this thread worthless?

BTW, good find Adam.

ChopinOn22s said:
Most funny stories you read DON'T have pics, so why is this thread worthless?

BTW, good find Adam.

i am sorry, you are right this is a very funny thread,

it would be just so much better with pics, or TTWBSMBWP :D

Eh, it's only half-funny. The local news had footage, but never put it on the web. It looked funny then, though... :)

Another thing to probably look forward in the next installment of Grand Theft Auto
