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heat shield & tranny


Evil Asian
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
EF Vendor
March 3, 2002
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City, State
Elkridge, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 4Runner, 22 Silverado
Just finished doing a filter change on my tranny and of course I forgot to put those little tabs from the heat shield between the gasket and the pan. Not sure if this will cause any problems to the tranny or the cat. Probaby not right guys? On the same subject, doing a tranny filter is sure a messy job.

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Not sure what shield that is but I'd make sure it was in place just because things get hot by the exhaust.

Not sure if it was a heat shield or not but it was between the tranny and the exhaust.

Yeah thats a heat shield, and yes put it back on

I got it in the approximate location of where it was previously. It is still attached from the upper half just the two lower half clips that go between the gasket and pan aren't where they supposed to be. But it does do its job, I pulled it down enough that it should block any heat to the tranny. I'll just have to put it back on the next time I do routine maintance on the tranny.

That works.

excuse my stupidity, but whats the brown wire mod?????

That heat shield is a critical part. It protects a solenoid from getting fried. REPLACE IT !

Happy Exploring


just wondering, but my heat shield was rattling like a motha so i took it off....I'm gettin the idea i need to put it back on?? It was basically ripped off....what would you suggest on putting it back on? thanx guys

You can reattach your heat sheilds with ling hose clamps or just string short ones together. It should still pass a safety inspection. Ford has actually released a technical bulletan for this repair.
