Hedman or Borla? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hedman or Borla?


Elite Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
April 25, 2000
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City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 JK
So, which is better?

Hedman Ceramic Coated Headers or
Borla Stainless finish Headers?

After shipping, they're the same price.

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Where did you find Borlas the same price as Hedmann?

Coated Hedmans are almost $400?

yes, $380 at summitracing with shipping, or $370 at a local place.

I know hedmans may be a lower quality header, but I'm leaning towards them anyway for the coating. my engine bay gets too hot with the stock manifold. It will also keep my floorboards cooler in the Texas heat.

You can put some header wrap on the Borlas and not void the warrenty. You can't do that on the Heddmans. The header wrap will cut down on the temp.

Exactly what is header wrap and where do I get it?

Also, I don't feel like dealing with carparts.com because of their less-than-stellar track record, and that's the only place that the borlas are that cheap.

I installed Borlas about a year ago and they are awesome; best mod I've made so far. As you know they are stainless steel, will never rust out and have a lifetime warranty. Trust me, as difficult as the installation is you don't want to have to replace some rusted out headers every couple years.

Also, header wrap does make a HUGE difference in under-hood temps. I think I got the Thermo-Tec brand from Hi-Lo but you can get it at most parts houses/performance shops.

Guys! I think I just might of found something for us v6ers. I was searching for stuff and found an intake tube for v6 explorers... it sounds something like an FIPK... but the tubes come in colors n stuff... no pictures.. but i emailed them for some and some more info. If I get anything Ill post it here! :) check out the site...http://www.wholesalehyperformance.com/intakes.html

its mostly import stuff....


Wrapping your headmens voids the warranty? how would they know? hmmm.. oh well. If I ever get my headmens...


found another site with intakes for the explorer...

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