HELP 911 P/S and brakes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP 911 P/S and brakes


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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1999 sport
It happened to me 2 times today. One time as i was pulling in to a parking spot and then as i pulled in to my drive way. When i put on the brakes to pull in slow it felt as if i had no power steering at all. It would go away if i gave it a lil gas or let off the brake for a second. I try to get it do do it down the driveway but it didn't no mattered what i did. all fluids wear fine brake and P/S didn't hear and vacuum leaks and brake booster was fine too. What do i need to do now? Have work at 3 pm tomorrow and don't want want to drive 70 miles one way and have it mess up.

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Unless there is a big vacuum leak in the brake booster causing the engine to run REALLY bad, I couldn't imagine your braking having any effect on power steering. The systems are completely isolated.

If the engine was on the verge of stalling I could see a potential problem providing enough hydraulic power to the steering box, but other than that:dunno:

Just to be sure...nobody has modified your car and installed a hydraboost have they?

I thought of that too, but what are the odds:dunno:

I drove it about 20 miles to day to see if i could get it to do it again but it didn't. Might have just been a some kind of hiccup but i want to be sure. Could some air have somehow got in the line or something?

How would i know if i did have a hydraboost on it? would i have something like this instead attached to the master cylinder instead of a brake booster .

ok don't have one then. Had a CEL. had it pulled and it was my DPFE found out one of the rubber hoses was unhooked and that some times if i was on the gas and the let off to hit the brake the engine stumbled a lil bit so i think that was it. Thanks for the help

The only other thing is that when i drive let off the gas and coat hit the brakes to stop the P/S feel like it don't work and the engine feel like it it ideals lower then perks back up.
any help at all????

Don't know if anyone will read this but thought i end this to maybe help some one latter.

The new P/S pump fix it no more wine and it's not cutting out anymore. Seem like it is running better now too.
