Help! Any suggestions? (RE: replacing rotor on 93' Explorer 4x4) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! Any suggestions? (RE: replacing rotor on 93' Explorer 4x4)


New Member
December 16, 2006
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Oregon City, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' Ford Explorer

I need to replace the rotors on my Explorer and I can't seem to be able to remove the Single Hump Key from the Inner Hub Locking Cam!

The driver's side went off without a hitch but I just can't get the passanger-side one out! (I used a small pick on the driver side.)

I have tried the pick, small flat head screw driver, and magnet... no luck.

Have you ever had this problem? Do you have any suggestions???


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Rock the rotor/hub back & forth at the same time you use a magnet or pick. It should come out.

Usually the only thing holding that key in is the pressure from the big nut the huge socket goes on. Try to get the big nut one way or the other using your hands or the smallest nudge using the socket, and the key should come right out with a small magnet on it, something like a magnetic pick-up tool works great.

Thanks! You're awsome... I will give it a shot.


As Anime4x4 has stated the only thing holding the key in place would be the nut itself.. Just slightly turn the nut loose or tight a 1/16" or less which should be enough to allow the pick or magnet to work...

BTW check out Glacier's 1st Gen Brake Repair diary for lots of info and pics of these components.

i use a flat blade screw driver with a speaker magnet off of a 10" subwoofer stuck to it.

hit it real good with brakecleaner so you can see it very well and it wont stick to the grease.
