help id this hose? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help id this hose?


January 21, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Detroit, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
I was changing the oil on my '14 Sport today and noticed what appears to be a poor connection at this hose to flange.
It appears to be leaking fluid, I assume it is coolant.
I could not repair myself as it seems the hose band is a specialty screw.
Is this a coolant to turbo connection?



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Looks like a rad hose to me. Also looks like a bit of an oil leak going on. I'm not entirely sure but I think oil may cause damage to rubber over a period of time.


First of all if you have a 2014 why would you want to do the repair it should be taken care of by the dealer and under warranty... Unless you drove 36k miles in one year...

First of all if you have a 2014 why would you want to do the repair it should be taken care of by the dealer and under warranty... Unless you drove 36k miles in one year...

I am going on 62K miles. So not covered under warranty. I want to repair because I plan on keeping this vehicle for another 64k plus miles.

Looks like a rad hose to me. Also looks like a bit of an oil leak going on. I'm not entirely sure but I think oil may cause damage to rubber over a period of time.


Thank you Peter....I don't think there is an oil leak. Oil would tend to leave more traces.... I agree that this is probably a radiator hose. But does it go to the turbo or engine block? Probably a very minor leak, my temp gauge remains at "normal" and no real appreciable loss of fluid. I still will repair to keep everything righty tighty.

that looks like the pressurized output hose of the turbo that goes to intercooler then to intake.

im basing that off the fact it looks like it is coming off of turbo

that looks like the pressurized output hose of the turbo that goes to intercooler then to intake.

im basing that off the fact it looks like it is coming off of turbo

thanks edub.........that's what I'm thinking. I thought somebody would be able to positively confirm or have had the similar problem.
