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November 6, 2014
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2002 Ford Explorer
Hi, 02 explorer not shifting into 2nd and 5th. OVerdrive flashing and service engine light came on after a hard shift. Code P0775 is showing. Changed solenoid block. Nothing changed. Took out tranny there was a broken servo. Replaced and put back together, but nothing has changed. This transmission was rebuilt 3 years ago. so I believe the boring has been done already. is this electrical or any ideas on what I can do next?? PLEASe Please and thank you!

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Not going to be electrical problem, the problem will be with the overdrive band itself.

some people have said it may be the computer not giving a command??

Thank you and how do I exactly fix that then???

The fact that it set a code is a clue that the computer sent the signal and didn't like the result.

2nd and 5th gear use the overdrive band, so if the band has failed you will lose both gears. I have not had a computer issue with this vehicle since dealing with the mid 90's vehicle.

If the servo fails it tends to burn the band.

To replace the band the trans will have to come back out and you will have to remove the pump.

Thank you very much. After I pull out the transmission. is there a way for me to tell if the band is broken. I plan on taking out the transmission and taking it to a transmission specialist to repair the broken band assuming it is broken. I don't want to mess anything up being that transmissions are pretty touchy and I have no clue on howto replace the band myself. Im just hoping to tell them it is indeed the band I need them to replace??
