Help Question About Wiring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help Question About Wiring

Okay what im wanting to do is use the prewired leds i bought and have them turn on when my dome lights turn on inside. But i also want to use a seperate switch for the leds to turn on manually. Do i need a relay for this? I already know what wire to tap in to for the dome lights and i know how to power them. Just need help wiring it all thank you

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I am doing something very similar to this, and I'm making a wiring schematic for it. I am using a relay, but i'm also going about it quite differently from you (I think).

Could you give some info as to what EXACTLY you want to happen? Also, where will these be mounted?

You want them to come on with the dome lights, and you want them switch activated. Is there a time when you would want them to stay off when the dome lights come on?

Give some more info and I'll start ponderin on it.

i think i know what you're wanting. so give me some time and ill see if i can come up with a crude diagram

I am doing something very similar to this, and I'm making a wiring schematic for it. I am using a relay, but i'm also going about it quite differently from you (I think).

Could you give some info as to what EXACTLY you want to happen? Also, where will these be mounted?

You want them to come on with the dome lights, and you want them switch activated. Is there a time when you would want them to stay off when the dome lights come on?

Give some more info and I'll start ponderin on it.
yea sure i want the leds to be wired to my dome lights so every time i open my door or turn the domes on the leds turn on but i also when the dome lights r off i wanna be able to turn on my leds with a switch. im just putting these underneath both dash sides and under the backseat. 'Is there a time when you would want them to stay off when the dome lights come on?' no theres not.

OK then this is extremely simple. Yes, I would use a relay, as it is the simplest way to achieve this, BUT, you can use a push button switch EXACTLY like the one used in your map light if you can find one. Either way the principle is exactly the same.

What you will do is have a SPDT relay and connect the wire from the dimmer, (Black/Blue if yours is wired the same as mine) to the normally closed contact (NC). Then you connect the normally open contact (NO) to a battery supply of your choice, be it from the fuse box or tapping off of the map light feed (Green/Orange). You then take the other contact and wire that to the + side of your LED strip, and obviously ground the - side.

Take your switch and hook it up to your battery source you used earlier. Take this and wire it to the coil of your relay, and then ground the other side of your coil. I'll post a pic in a minute of what it would look like


This is how it would look if you could find some of those push button switches.


How to wire it with switch and relay.

Hope these help :thumbsup:

Those 4 circles w/triangles to the right are the LEDs. Everything to the left of that is the actual circuit as it is in your explorer. The top pic shows the wiring if you were to use a single SPDT switch, like the one used for the map light.
The bottom pic is using a regular switch, like a rocker switch you'd find at autozone, wal-mart, etc., in series with the coil of a SPDT relay.

They both accomplish exactly the same thing; this just gives you a little flexibility depending on what you can get your hands on. Lemme know if you have anymore questions and i'll try to answer them the best I can.


This might clarify things a little.
Red box (top) are the two dual function map lights up front. They have an SPDT switch that toggles them between the dimmer feed and a battery feed.
Blue box (2nd one) are the two map lights over the back seat that have just single rocker switches (SPST) and don't come on with the dimmer.
Magenta box (3rd one) is the dome light over the back seat that only works with the dimmer switch.
Green box (bottom one) is the light over the cargo area that only works with the dimmer switch.

Glad to help out. You've got a really nice explorer BTW :thumbsup:

85 = coil = ground
87a = NC = Wire From Dimmer
87 = NO = Wire From The Battery
86 = coil = wire from on off switch
30 = common = wire from positive side of LEDS

Is this all right ? Just wanna make sure.
