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help with lift!

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I can't really give you a definite answer because I can't look at it. But, if I had to guess, it looks like those are adjustable shims to correct camber on the TTB suspension, which should work for your Explorer. But the only real definite answer I can give you is for the shims on, which I know will work.

35's will not fit under a 5.5" lift without fiberglass, you will need a 7" lift to clear 35's

go with a superlift 5.5, screw a body lift go with coil spacers up front and warrior shackles in the back, i have a buddy that did this n i helped him with it and he is runnin 35x12.5's BFG Mud Terrains and ther is no rubbing and it is a 91 just like mine. thats if you are only goin for looks tho like he is. For me that wouldn't work cuz i am ruff on my truck, and that lift would rub on 35's. If u plan on bushing with it then go to and look under skyjacker, they sell 8 inch coils, 8 inch pivot drop brackets, 8 inch radius arm brackets and dropped pitman arm to fit. it would run you around 700 with out shocks but those ain't much.

95offroadx said:
35's will not fit under a 5.5" lift without fiberglass, you will need a 7" lift to clear 35's

Who said they would?

95offroadx said:
35's will not fit under a 5.5" lift without fiberglass, you will need a 7" lift to clear 35's
I'll say they will. I give you BKennedy's 5.5" Superlift with no glass and no body lift with 35s.


That's a good lookin truck. I'm guessin he trmmed some? Are those 15x10's or 15x8's?

15x8 w/3.75 backspacing. You can see some trimming and rolled edge on the rear of the front fender. That's how mine looked beofre I got the glass. Paul Bredehoft had the same set up as Brian (actually Brian got the Superlift from Paul)

wheeling94x if you want 35s get them and a 5.5"lift and make them fit. :)

Hey Fenderguy, how's your flexing for offroading, does it rub at all?? My buddy's did just a little so that's y he stopped bushin with his.

For having a 4" lift with stock Radius arms and 35s it didn't do too bad flexing. Mine only rubbed the back tires on the inner wells like everyone else. I didn't rub the front at all.


wow i never saw a explorer with only 5.5" of lift and 35's with out fiberglass
