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Henson Performance Chips?


February 14, 2007
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Whats the difference between the XCalibrator2 and the 3 tune Pack? Do I have to buy the SCT programer to run the 3 tunes or does it have its own tuner?

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you buy the tuner to run the 3 tunes

How much of a difference in power and gas mileage is between the flasher and the programed chips? Anyone have expeirence?

they'll be about the same if you're talking about programmable chips. the thing is with chips you can switch on the fly. with the programmer it takes about 3 min to load a program to the vehicle but with the programmer you can tweak your tunes and get new ones, with the chip you're very limited

Well im not a big modder i have a cold air intake i might do exhaust and now im thinking of this chip. I wont be doing anything else to my EX. Im looking for better gas mileage as well as power. So im thinking im better off with the chip than with the flasher. Right?

deffinatly put that exhaust in, then go with a programmer

The chip and programmer each have their own advantages and disadvantages-

With a chip-you can select a different program or "tune" on the fly-with a flip of a switch.
You are stuck with those tunes however, until the unit is sent to the tuner for re programming and sent back to you. Also-the chips have been known to develop bad connections-it can happen.

With the xcal (or programmer) you must switch the engine off to load a different stored "tune" , but it will also analyze data -and read trouble codes.
Not to mention, to modify or load a new tune requires only an email.

I am swayed toward the xcal--

As far as James Henson or jah81592 as he is known around these parts, send him an email or a PM, find out for yourself.

Assuming you have a 3rd gen since that's the section you posted in, you have to buy a tuner, you don't have a port for a chip. Also when you buy a tuner from Henson, he includes 2 tunes with the purchase of the tuner, so you don't have to buy anymore tunes unless you want more. But if your only goal is mileage, you shouldn't have to.
