Hey everyone! 2002 Ford Explorer tire options? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hey everyone! 2002 Ford Explorer tire options?


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March 10, 2020
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Conway, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
Hey guys. I have a 2002 Ford Explorer V6 4x4 and I need new tires. I have Michelin LTX ms2s on it now with about 53,000 miles on them. They have been great except for starting to dry rot last year. I’m thinking of getting some all terrain tires put on. Probably in the stock size. (235/70r16) Any recommendations? I’d like to put on some BF Goodrich KO2s. What do y’all think? And if y’all have had all terrain tires on how has that affected your mpg? Thanks for the help!

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Here is a thread discussing this very issue:

Welcome to the forum:chug:

I put Toyo's on mine and had nothing but problems with them. Not only vibrations, but 3 of the original 4 had to be replaced. I went to Cooper Discoverer tires and have had good luck with them, but I do notice a little vibration as I drive along. Since I live in snow country, regular highway tires don't give me much confidence so I prefer tires that are more aggressive. I can't say I notice any difference in mpg, but I seldom ever check it. I get 16 mpg.

I have Goodyear Fortera tires. Solid choice.

Here is a thread discussing this very issue:

Welcome to the forum:chug:
Thanks Rick. Yeah that thread definitely helps.

I put Toyo's on mine and had nothing but problems with them. Not only vibrations, but 3 of the original 4 had to be replaced. I went to Cooper Discoverer tires and have had good luck with them, but I do notice a little vibration as I drive along. Since I live in snow country, regular highway tires don't give me much confidence so I prefer tires that are more aggressive. I can't say I notice any difference in mpg, but I seldom ever check it. I get 16 mpg.
Thanks. Yeah I’ve looked into the Cooper Discoverers. Also the Cooper Evolution h/ts if I decide to just go with street tires. I live in North Carolina and we never know how the winters are going to be. It would be nice having some all terrain tread on my rig just to have better traction and keep it stable. And I’m probably getting around 19 mpg. I use Mobil 1 5w30 and need to change the oil again.

Sorry for delay. About 25k miles. No issues. I had General Grabber before and liked them too.

The KO2s are probably the best, but for my money I prefer General Grabber AT2.

I love the KO2s I put on my 2005 4.6L about 3 years ago. I've got them on my 2019 Ranger, as well. Here's the tread on my explorer after 3 years:


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