Hotels and Truckhaven Nov9th? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hotels and Truckhaven Nov9th?


Elite Explorer
July 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT 4x4
Hey, considering changing our trip from Nov 8th - 11th to Truckhaven.

1) Anyone have hotel information?

2) Anyone interested in going?

3) My friends kids are bringing dirt bikes, will they have fun?

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1. Check the main info thread for the January T-haven run. It lists all area hotels.
2. I'm gonna wait for turkey day.
3. They will have a blast.

Truckhaven is the Place!!!

It looks like we'll be at Truckhaven this weekend. Thanks Bill and Rick for all the info. If anyone is interested in going with let me know.

Last Chance, anyone else up for this run? We'll be there Friday Night, at one of the Hotels. Expect to see us out the early A.M. on Sat.:bounce:

ARB? 4.88s?


When did you get the air locker and the 4.88s? It sounds like you're getting your Explorer ready for some action! Did you mount those 35's yet? Let me know how things are coming along.
