how can I make my 98 an off-road machine? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how can I make my 98 an off-road machine?

2 feet is a lot. I've got one of the higher ground clearances on this forum and while I could clear a 2 foot diameter tree, it's only because of the SAS/SOA. And even then I'd be on the control arms in the front.

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I'm not saying I think you're lying, but I don't want to mislead this guy. Shoot us a pic of your truck from the ground to the bottoms of your running boards or frame (lowest point on your truck) so we can see how you have 2 feet of clearance to drive over a tree without high centering or smashing your truck up.

I measured my 96 and it has about a foot and a half and that's with a TT, AAL, shackles and it's currently sitting on 35's (no it can't turn). So pull the 35's off my truck and you drop even lower, closer to a foot being your best clearance. I sold my 99 or I'd measure that too because I don't even think that truck on 35's would clear a 2 foot rock or tree.

Now this is just stationary height too, when you come down off that rock or tree, the suspension is going to sink a couple inches and you'll smash the hell out of the truck then too. I'm thinking this 2 foot tree is more like a foot tops.

1. Don't care if it gets dented or scratched, its a wheeler not a DD
2. The rockers are cut out due to rust so there is no interference there, no plastic etc. just flat plate, kind of a "slider".
3. It has a fuel tank skid and modified transfer skid similar to a "belly up" deal for a Jeep, as high as I can get it.
4.It is locked both ends
5. Yes it will drag itself over the tree when you pick the correct angle
6. yes the suspension will collapse as its designed to
7. I don't make a habit of doing it, but will when I need to
8. A tree is much different than a boulder, you can take pieces of it with you instead of leaving pieces of your truck behind.

1. Don't care if it gets dented or scratched, its a wheeler not a DD
2. The rockers are cut out due to rust so there is no interference there, no plastic etc. just flat plate, kind of a "slider".
3. It has a fuel tank skid and modified transfer skid similar to a "belly up" deal for a Jeep, as high as I can get it.
4.It is locked both ends
5. Yes it will drag itself over the tree when you pick the correct angle
6. yes the suspension will collapse as its designed to
7. I don't make a habit of doing it, but will when I need to
8. A tree is much different than a boulder, you can take pieces of it with you instead of leaving pieces of your truck behind.

Ok fair enough, but you're missing the point of what this guy is trying to do. His particular truck will not clear this stuff. You have a failly modified rig and also one you don't care about. He will not be going as crazy as your truck cutting rockers out and moving gas tanks and does care a little bit about destroying his truck. So he will not be able to clear a 2 foot rock/tree. I still honestly would love to see a ruler showing your 2 foot clearance but that's besides the point.

He will not be going as crazy as your truck cutting rockers out and moving gas tanks and does care a little bit about destroying his truck.
I still honestly would love to see a ruler showing your 2 foot clearance but that's besides the point.

Never said it had 2 feet of ground clearance, just that it would go over a 2 foot object, maybe I used the word clear instead of drag, but it will go over whatever is in the way when I want it to, and its not heavily modified nor destroyed in any way.


Dragging a truck over a 2 foot tree taking parts of said tree with it is not "clearing" a 2 foot tree.

LOL!!! Thank you.

OP you now see that no, you will not clear those kinds of things without serious mods. I think at this point you have to decided how much money you want to spend, and we can all point you in the right direction.

But for the money I love the setup on my 96. Long AAL, Shackle, and TT on 32x11.50's. Truck still has good street manners and I don't have a whole lot into the "lift". It's enough to have fun and gives the truck a decent look for fairly cheap.

Honestly not to second guess your judgement, but you were talking about 1-2 foot rocks like they were not all that big. Maybe these rocks are not in fact as big as you were thinking?

Just for reference: this is a two foot diameter tree.


This one is 25" diameter.



I see no way any Explorer that's not heavily modified will make it over that without completely trashing the truck (if it can even get over it at all).

I could possibly make it over that. But I'd first look for alternatives. Like sawing it in half with my KatanaBoy saw and then winching it out of the way.

And even if I drove over it, I'd use my MaxTrax as ramps. I think the front driveshaft would be ok, but the rear I'd worry about.

A stock front bumper wouldn't even let an explorer on 33s get a tire on that.

A stock front bumper wouldn't even let an explorer on 33s get a tire on that.

That was my thought too. One MIGHT be able to drag over it, but a high center would be very possible and as far a clearing it without destroying the truck, no way haha.

i don't have 2 feet with a Superlift, coilovers equivalent to a tt and shackles on 35's,,


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I've went over a 1ft diameter tree no lift. Coulda been like 10in and I did hit the frame, not bad and I did think I was going to get stuck for a sec lol. Competly stock no lift, 235/75r15street tires and oh it was a 2wd. I never said I had the clearance but there was no damage to my rockers and I did go over at the very least a 10in diameter tree completly stock. Just throwin it out there. I say possible without damage if your carefull.

Unless a storm rolls through and a tree falls, I wont be climbing any trees. As of right now, the TT, shackles, tires, and AAL is what I'm aiming for. A lift kit will come after, when I get said vehicle for my DD. My grandfathers got an 03, 4.0 SOHC that he bought just to fix it. Hes like that. I'll probably just end up fixing that with him and buying it.

That being said, I would just need good suggestions towards the type of lift that would be more beneficial for my X.

Thanks for the info guys, appreciate it.

I dunno, I think just putting the first dent in it helps :hammer:

Should that dent be orchestrated and caught on video?

Unless a storm rolls through and a tree falls, I wont be climbing any trees. As of right now, the TT, shackles, tires, and AAL is what I'm aiming for. A lift kit will come after, when I get said vehicle for my DD. My grandfathers got an 03, 4.0 SOHC that he bought just to fix it. Hes like that. I'll probably just end up fixing that with him and buying it.

That being said, I would just need good suggestions towards the type of lift that would be more beneficial for my X.

Thanks for the info guys, appreciate it.

I think you're on the right track but you may want to decide and do one or the other of the aal OR shackles. Pick the one you prefer and do it first and see if you need more lift after that and the TT. Only use both if you think you need more in the rear. Considering you shouldn't go too high in the front with the TT, probably just one of the two lifts in the rear will be sufficient to keep it fairly level. Both might result in a rake you didn't intend but some people like the rear higher, hot rod style. Having used both shackles and aal (not simultaneously) I personally prefer the aal. You may want to read up on the differences if you aren't already aware. There's differing opinions on them.

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I did both AAL and shackles at the same time. I did AAL first and seemed to get the tired old leafs back to "stock" height. Then the shackles came around when I got 33s.

Good point. My leafs were fine.
