How do I remove stock '95 fog light cover? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I remove stock '95 fog light cover?


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July 30, 2007
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swamp in Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer XLT 4X4
How do I remove stock '95 fog light cover? The lens is dirty & needs cleaning.
I don't want to damage the light.
Thanks in advance!

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I don't think you can remove the cover. Do you have the rectangle fog lights? If so it is glass not plastic. That's how my '97 is.

Yes, I have the stock rectangle fog lights & I think the covers are plastic. It looks like they might pop off with a flat screwdriver, but i'm scared they will break off. Any tips?

When I replaced the stock lights with KCs, I removed the whole assembly both bracket and light. I do recall opening up the light to check out its condition. The lens was yellowed plastic and no longer transparent. The body wasn't waterproof so the reflector was pitted and corroded.

When I replaced the stock lights with KCs, I removed the whole assembly both bracket and light. I do recall opening up the light to check out its condition. The lens was yellowed plastic and no longer transparent. The body wasn't waterproof so the reflector was pitted and corroded.
I just checked the stock fog lights. The side that I removed the lens from is actually broken. I broke the brittle tangs off that keep the lens on. I also cracked the lens. So much for being careful. There is also a lens gasket that is suppose to keep water out but holes in the rear of the body will let water in.
I'm not sure you can remove the lens without breaking it. You replace the lamp module by inserting it the rear. Good luck.

I don't think you can remove the cover. There is the tabs on them but I think they are sealed and the tabs just hold them in place while the glue dries. At least that is the way mine is, and the cover(lens) is plastic on my 95.

I solved my problem by going to the junk yard and finding a good pair. $5 each and that's a lot cheaper then trying to salvage yours. That was at a "you pull it' lot.
