how do you get in that thing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how do you get in that thing?


Well-Known Member
October 2, 2005
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City, State
godfrey, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 sport ohv 5spd
Has anyone ever had a dumb hoosier say, "How do you get into that thing?". I have about 2-3 people per day:eek: say that to me! i have around 12" lift and 35's on my explorer. it isn't difficult to get into, but you do have to hop into it. It has to be the most annoying thing i have ever dealt with. also...

Don't go too fast around a corner that thing will roll!! man people have no idea....

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I get it every day to. Im 5'9" or so so im a shorty.

I am suprised i can hang corners pertty good but not gonna take them very much.

I wouldnt let it get to you like that.

If that is the most annoying thing you have ever had to deal with you are doing pretty dang good.

Ya, I had that problem with my ex girlfriend she was 5' even and complained about how hard the X was to get into STOCK, good thing for her we broke up before it got lifted haha.

Kick them in the nuts so they fall to the ground, then use them as a step and say, "like that".

hahahah thats funny....but seriously :p:

I ge that all the time, thats why there has been a rise in violent crime in my area. :shifty_ey

Must be a northern thing. My brother has a YJ thats lifted a foot and on 36"s. I am 6'5" and I have to put a foot up on the rock slider/step and grab the handle on the roll cage to pull myself up. I don't think he has ever had anyone ask him that.
