How HARD is it to make a 2WD 4X4 or AWD??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How HARD is it to make a 2WD 4X4 or AWD???


Well-Known Member
April 5, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Cypress, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 EB, 98 EB, 01 Exped EB
How hard would this be?

I have rebuilt my Tranny out of the 95 4.0 EB and I have lots of tools.

So I am wondering would I just need the front cross member and adapter for the tranny?

I have a 95 EB 4.0 and a 00 Limited V8 which would be the best to mod 4X4/AWD?

Also, what is the difference in AWD and 4X4 as far as the parts go?

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Big job. You need a complete new front axle assembly with the hubs to drive the front wheels and a new transfer case and front drivehaft. Not even sure the 4wd front axle can be mounted on a 2wd frame without mods.

You'd be better off selling both ex's and buying a 4wd. More cost effective.

I pulled my 99 diff to replace the three seals. The front diff. is bolted in using only three bolts. Look at your' Limited frame, and see if it has those three mounting pads. I think that they all do.

If you want the parts for the V8, then it will be AWD. The V6 is only available as a 4WD. For the V6, you would need a 4x4 GEM module, and not for the AWD.
I believe that the control arms are the same. You would need the diff., 4x4 spindles, 4x4 rotors, 4x4 hubs, axles, transmission, and driveshaft.

If you make the change, and want bigger brakes, then also incorporate the 12" 2001+ Sport/Sport Trac 4x4 spindles and rotors. Good luck,

there is a thread on hear about converting 2wd to 4wd somewhere ive done this to my first gen. it wasent that hard to do if you have another vehicle to get the parts off you need. do some reserch though because i dont know if the second gen is set up like the first gen. all my wireing and controls where plug and play. and no fabrication needed.

i thought about it for my 1995 2wd..

WOuld be much easier to sell it and buy a 4wd and start all over again...

There are a couple of members have have most of the parts available now. Shipping costs would be an issue though. I have spare 99 4x4 spindles, after swapping on 2001 12" rotors. The weight of the parts could make it more feasible to buy the heavy parts locally. Regards,

WOuld be easiest to just do an sas...may be cheaper too ;)

If you had a complete donor.. it would be easy. Everything bolts up and plugs in. Just make sure you only use the electronics from a 95.

is there that much of a diffenrece.. the woring harness should be similar right??

Well 95's were the last year of ODB-I. Plus, 95-96 had vac controlled axles. So that would really limit your donors.

but also 95 has the ODB-2 port under the dash..

guess that is why i said that

A 4x4 GEM module would be needed for a V6, so the GEM module would need to match the front axle type. The 4x4 parts could be used from a 97-01 with a 98-01 AWD transfer case, for his 2000 V8. The AWD doesn't require any GEM change, just that magic brown wire from the harness to the transfer case. It would be smart to get the frame harness section which goes to the transfer case. Regards,

Sell the 2wd and buy a 4wd. Swap finished just like that.

I have found a bunch of 4x4 95 and 96 models for 3500-5000. One for 2888 I am really only interested in the I guess frame and 4x4 parts.

What should I look for as far a wear? Most of these are in Florida and flat land places where 4x4 would not be used. I just rebuilt my v6 tranny can I just bolt the end of the diff to my 4 speed auto I just rebuilt?

Then switch bodies of the trucks and engine?

The frames are the same. All you need is some rolled-over Explorer. Sell the motor then swap the tranny, tcase, driveshafts, and front differential. Pull off both control arms from the frame with CVs attached and bolt them on to your 2wd. Steering rack is the same between the two. Hardest part will be the tranny removal/install.

section525 said:
The frames are the same. All you need is some rolled-over Explorer. Sell the motor then swap the tranny, tcase, driveshafts, and front differential. Pull off both control arms from the frame with CVs attached and bolt them on to your 2wd. Steering rack is the same between the two. Hardest part will be the tranny removal/install.

Well I have done that a few times.... So it should be a task, but worthy.
